Doc talk:Books/Go Pro!

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2009年2月6日 (金) 23:09時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (Talk:Books/Blender 3D: Go Pro! moved to Doc talk:Books/Go Pro!: moving to Doc:)
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About this book

Hello Blender fans,

My name is David Millet and in the Blender community (and other communities as well) I go by spiderworm. I am the original author and creator of the Blender 3D: Noob to Pro wikibook. I am trying to recreate and then improve the Noob to Pro wikibook here. Due to license restrictions, I can only copy content directly over if I have the permission of all the previous authors. What you see on this page is the content that was edited by my hands only, and I give permission for it. If there is some error in my reasoning, if for some reason I should be disallowed the ability to copy my work over, please let me know. Assuming that I am correct in doing this, however, please help me find the other authors of this page so that I may obtain permission to copy their work over as well. Here's a list of other authors of the matching page at wikibooks:

If you are an author, please come into #blenderwiki at and let spiderworm, S68, Inktvlek, oxigen, or JesterKing know that you give permission for your work to be copied over and improved upon here. We will also grant you editing rights (general editing was only disabled because we were getting slammed by spambots) so that you can help improve this book, if you so desire. Thank you!

authors that have given permission for their works to be copied

  1. spiderworm
  2. Gabio
  3. Igor, alias oxigen, alias popski
  4. ZeroOne
  5. Surphaze
  6. BeBraw