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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:46時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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From Quartz

Hi Kenden,

Thanks for correcting ObjectMode. I am sure I didn't get it perfect and it most likely needs more polish. 8-)

The topic of where to place the various sections has always given me reason for doubt. I agree that some of the sections you mentioned do seem out of place. When I was moving them I was thinking the same thing. However, for immediatecy sake I placed them with the modelling section after extracting them from the ObjectMode and EditMode sections.

Technically you are correct that things like Selection, AxisConstraint etc... don't really belong in the modelling section yet they are an integral part of modelling --you can't win or lose :)--.

Perhaps we could break down the sections (Selection, AxisConstraint...) into ObjectMode , EditMode and Armature mode and likewise for the other sections that have differences between the these modes.

My gut feeling would be to keep the "Selection" section seperate only to emphazie the fact that there is selecting capabilities, rather than guest the reader would know to look in the ObjectMode section for info on selecting (of course it depends on how you view things).

Additional, I would think we could place Selection into its own higher level section only because you could say that Selection also applies to the Armature system as well with, again, slightly different functionality.

I try to break concepts/actions into sections even though some of them are inherently integrated. So rather that thinking of Selection as a subset of ObjectMode or Editmode I tend to think of it as an action to be taken and what can it do for me based on the mode I am in.

Here is a possible example:

   Tools?? or Actions?? or Functions?? Hmmm.....
The Armature System

What do you think? These are only ideas. If we talk this through perhaps we can educate each other and create a better solution.

Utimately this is one of those greyish areas that depend on how you see things.

And thanks for taking the time to review and correct my work. It is appreciated.

-Will (Quartz)