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Agenda for 25th September 2005

rvks / Shape

bpy ui panels

  • Campbell Barton has a need, and a pretty clear idea about the the UI design. A proposal of the implementation is needed.
  • integration of python-implemented tools to normal UI needs discussion

ui porting from tuhopuu

  • Ton and Matt are working on this
  • send comments to Matt via forums or e-mail

soc merge status update

  • fluidsim is in cvs, being worked on there
    • libelbeem.a is big, N_Thome is cleaning and must do so
  • pytex is being made thread safe
  • Alexander reports concerning booleans and ffmpeg: both students fix final bugs and provide patches against bf-cvs
    • issue with ffmpeg: including a specific version to blender, to avoid version probs. a proposal & patch needed for decision. also needs work before merge.

defcon status / release schedule

  • further pre-releases and 2.4 final (perhaps Nov1) targeted later
  • scripts for release:
    • Tom M. makes a list for next meeting

what does orange need

  • hair?
  • sequencer?:
    • not load everything to RAM
    • strip with keys: see where to set them
    • zooming & scaling is weird
    • better layering solution
      • filters like alpha
      • add as layer property and not as seperate effect strip .. if ppl make seq. patches Ton can check them