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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:47時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Python 2.4 migration

  • Jean-Luc takes care of OSX platform side
  • Windows & Linux will build fine with 2.4, but platform managers need to check on it
  • MSVC project files are updated
  • DJ Capelis; can you check/update the Linux build system?

Game engine

  • no actions scheduled... still need docs & state of development report :)

Scons/Make for windows

  • for time being no specific maintainer on make/scons for msvc/cygwin compilation needed
  • all devs should at least compile engine before comitting though!
  • and: if you commit something you think requires make/scons updates, seek for help on i, or post a note on this maillist

IK lib

  • UI needs feedback still. What options are useful, or can be more hidden?

SoC projects

  • Jean-Luc volunteers to help Nils with fluids
  • Probably Alexander will do booleans & ffmpg?
  • Verse will remain a separate tree for time being
  • Nurbana... still WIP?
  • but, each SoC coder (get help from mentor, or ask here) can submit his project as patch, with notes on dependencies (to new libs), on what make/scons/msvc changes are needed, and distribution issues (binary size, static or dynamic lib?)


  • devs who made T3 projects should also submit that as a patch for bf-blender. Best is to first find a bf-blender committer to assist on it, and get it reviewed first!

Release targets

  • We still have to go over a lot of smaller patches though (patch tracker, everone check on it), but for the larger projects we can already make a very impressive list of targets we want to include in the 2.4 release.

Proposal is to freeze this target listing during the next 2 weeks, and move to "BCon 3" then. All projects that currently go on seem to be feasible to finish the next 3-5 weeks.

Stay tuned!