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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:47時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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  • . Chris Retirement and the future of T3 Given that Chris will be retiring from doing CVS merges of Blender and T3, perhaps we should reconsider a migration to using Subversion as our source control system. I've researched SVN integration with GForge, as well as SVN tools available on our primary platforms (Windows, OS X, and linux). I'd also like to discuss migrating as much code as feasible from T3 to blender, to both ease the burden on the current and future maintainer of the merges and to likely ease whatever future strategy we take. TM
  • . Python Issues Python version 2.3 -> 2.4 move now or later, on which platforms for what scripts? These are all issues which are kind of up in the air. Planning of this and future migration processes will be critical the upcoming release. D.J.C
  • . Game Engine Enabled by Default? Intrr postulated that game engine bugs might be fixed more quickly if we enabled building of the game engine by default and forced more developers to actually compile and test this piece of blender as well. Some discussion took place on the ML about this but this issue hasn't been resolved. D.J.C