テンプレート:Release Notes/2.42/Python/Misc
< テンプレート:Release Notes | 2.42 | Python
2009年2月18日 (水) 08:19時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (Dev:Ref/Release Notes/.DPL share/2.42/Python/Misc moved to Template:Release Notes/2.42/Python/Misc: move to Template:)
- 1 Pack Access
- 2 Python Mesh API
- 3 Python Object API
- 4 Python Dupli access
- 5 python empties
- 6 Documentation
- 7 Beztriple API
- 8 Python Mesh API
- 9 Python
- 10 renderpath for python
- 11 Python Docs
- 12 Python
- 13 Python API
- 14 Python API
- 15 python
- 16 bpymesh
- 17 python API Groups
- 18 python api
- 19 Python API
- 20 Python API
- 21 modifer sequencer python
- 22 python modifiers
- 23 Mathutils
- 24 pydrivers
- 25 Python API
- 26 python api
- 27 python
- 28 Python API
- 29 mesh python api
- 30 Mesh API
- 31 Python API
- 32 Python API
- 33 pose api
Pack Access
Applied pack unpack from Pablo Martin (caedes), http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=127&aid=3246&group_id=9 adds Blender.c: Blender.UnpackModes (dict with the unpack modes) Blender.UnpackAll(mode) Blender.PackAll() Blender.CountPackedFiles() Image.c: image.packed (this was working) image.pack() image.unpack() Sound.c: sound.packed sound.pack() sound.unpack()
Python Mesh API
A couple of bug fixes and enhancements: (1) Setting the UV attributes of a mesh face will create texture faces if they are not already defined. Previously this threw an exception. (2) Setting the image attribute of a mesh face will also set the TEX bit of the face.mode flag (3) When "sticky" vertices are created with mesh.vertexUV, the color is set to white instead of black.
Three more changes for the Mesh module: (1) Bug fix for UV vertices ("sticky"). me->msticky was not being updated when vertices were added or deleted from the mesh. (2) Vertex, edge and face .extend() methods accept zero-length sequences instead of throwing an exception. (Note that not giving any argument is still an error). (3) Edge and face .extend() methods ignore "invalid" edges or faces which have the same vertex twice instead of throwing an exception. Cam and I argued about this for a while... :-)
Python Object API
Allow object.setMatrix() to accept 3x3 matrices by extending to a 4x4 internally. Also check the dimensions of the new matrix and throw an exception if not a 3x3 or 4x4.
Python Dupli access
Log: Applied JMS's Patch. for better Python Dupli Access. Made some fixes and changes. * The matricies returned were wrapped. Wrapping Display Mesh matricies segfaulted sometimes. - Made a copy instead. * Added 1 missing epydoc from the patch. * Renamed getDupliMatrices to getDupliObjects, and changed to return a list of (object, matrix) tuples instead of just the matrix. This is much more usefull because it allows python to know what objects are used for dupliGroups and for dupliverts where there is more then 1 child. also cleaned up this function a bit.
python empties
new emptys now have default settings for new emptys.
Taking a hint from Hos, started adding some (hopefully) better examples into the documentation for creating and manipulating meshes.
Beztriple API
Additions to BezTriple API: complete get/set access to all BezTriple settings (knot and handles points, handle types, tilt/alfa, hide, weight and selection status).
Python Mesh API
A bug fix and an enhancement: * fixed bug when adding or deleting faces from a mesh which has vertexColors; mesh->mcol was not being updated * changed edges.extend() and faces.extend() to accept integer vertex indices in addition to MVerts; this should make scripts simpler and in general make things run faster
Added Blender.Group module The plans for the new Python API are too far off to have this module conform. Added object.dupliGroup so objects can access the groups they instance. This is very confusing. Since in object has ob.setDupliGroup() # Enable/Disable Dupligroup ob.getDupliGroup() # see if its enabled. ob.dupliGroup # the group data this object is instancing. Not yet added ob.groups # Groups that use this object.
Log: Added support for group objects grp.objects To have an iterator assigned as well as a list. Since gp.objects is an ietartor this is expected. grp.objects= someGroup.objects works now. Some other small fixes made. Made a wrapper for add_to_group() That handles the OB_FROMGROUP flag. Should be moved to group.c's add_to_group() void add_to_group_wraper(Group *group, Object *ob) { Base *base; add_to_group(group, ob); if (!(ob->flag & OB_FROMGROUP)) { /* do this to avoid a listbase lookup */ ob->flag |= OB_FROMGROUP; base= object_in_scene(ob, G.scene); if (base) base->flag |= OB_FROMGROUP; } }
renderpath for python
Added a way to set the renderpath (dir and name) from the command line.
eg Blender -b c:\blends\test.blend -o "c:\renders\render_#.png" -x 0 -F PNG -x 1/0 for extension enable/disable -F for format/filetype This is important because somebody elses Blend files can render anywhere on your PC, possibly a security risk. And nice for renderfarms to be able to set the path without running a python script inside the blend file. blender --help (render opts only) Render options: -b <file> Render <file> in background -S <name> Set scene <name> -f <frame> Render frame <frame> and save it -s <frame> Set start to frame <frame> (use with -a) -e <frame> Set end to frame (use with -a)<frame> -o <path> Set the render path and file name. Use // at the start of the path to render relative to the blend file. Use # in the filename to be replaced with the frame number eg: blender -b foobar.blend -o //render_# -F PNG -x 1 -F <format> Set the render format, Valid options are.. TGA IRIS HAMX FTYPE JPEG MOVIE IRIZ RAWTGA AVIRAW AVIJPEG PNG AVICODEC QUICKTIME BMP HDR TIFF EXR MPEG FRAMESERVER CINEON DPX Use // at the start of the path to -x <bool> Set option to add the file extension to the end of the file. Added details to the -v option Eg blender -v Blender 2.41 Build build date: 2006-03-20 build time: 16:16:34 build platform: linux-glibc2.3.6-i386 build type: dynamic Also fixed bugs where nagative/realy big frames could be set- causing Blender to crash.
Python Docs
Attempted to unify and document Dupli* stuff. DupGroup DupObjects enableDupVerts enableDupFrames enableDupGroup enableDupRot enableDupNoSpeed see the epydocs for documentation at http://members.iinet.net.au/~cpbarton/ideasman/BPY_API/Object.Object-class.html - will update in a tick.
Log: Made blender python work in background mode without a blend file loading. Blender.c python initialization creates a scene when in background mode and when there is no scene. Needed to skip redrawing when in background mode because it depended on screen data that wasnt there.
Python API
Log: Added select group meny to mesh editmode. Currently only works for faces. Try Shift+G in face/editmode.
Python API
Log: Added python image pack/unpack per image.
Added matt's empty drawsize property to python.
dded BPyMesh for mesh python mesh functions.
at the moment it only has meshWeight2Dict and dict2MeshWeight These allow you to deal with vertex weights as a list of dicts which makes scrips short and easy to understand. (kh_python, perhaps dict access to the python verts could replace this ) Used the above util functions to update mesh_cleanup. Copied from the source 'Material Clean', 'Remove unused materials.' 'VGroups' 'Group Clean', 'Remove vertex groups that have no verts using them.' 'Weight Clean', 'Remove zero weighted verts from groups (limit is zero threshold).' 'Weight Normalize', 'Make the sum total of vertex weights accross vgroups 1.0 for each vertex.' Normalizing lets you see how much % of the vertex a bone owns just by looking at 1 of the bone weights. Would be nice to have this functionality in Blender but theres not much room for new buttons in teh vgroup and material area :/
python API Groups
Added Group to Blender.Types, tested and working. Added Group Epydocs, with 2 examples. also added http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Blending_Into_Python to the blender links main page.
python api
Replaced constant_getAttr() with constant_getAttro(), and added extra code so that the .keys(), .items() and .values() methods worked.
Python API
New Ipo and IpoCurve API. Ipo and IpoCurve objects support the [] operator, for accessing the curves of a particular Ipo and for accessing the value of an IpoCurve at a specific time. Both modules were also "tp_getset"-ified. Also, code for an alternative method (Antont wanted this) of accessing curves via Ipo attributes is included for now, for people to try and see if it's actually preferable to the Ipo [] operator. These are all new additions; nothing was intentionally removed from the API. If you find the something in the existing API has changed, let me know.
Python API
Initial commit for new Modifier API. Probably does about 70-75% of what it should, but it's a start.
modifer sequencer python
Log: added remove to the modifier seq (when pymodifier->md is NULL then its been removed) added name to the docs
Python API
More Modifier API changes: * add Blender.Modifier.Settings dict with constants for modifier types * add mod.type attribute, which returns type of the Modifier * add some internal consistency checks in ModSeq_remove
python modifiers
Re arranged how modifiers are used. All settings through Blender.Modifier.Settings see the epydocs Also added some error checking to fix some possible segfaults. Added more epydocs Modifiers API should be stable enough to use now, though give it a bit of time for testing.
Added scalePart to mathutils matrix type object.
and made it so toEuler converts a 4x4 matrix to a 3x3 rather then raising an error. Its not straight fwd to get an objects worldspace loc/size/rot from its 4x4 matrix. Example from updated docs. import Blender scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent() ob = scn.getActiveObject() if ob: mat= ob.mat # Same as martixWorld print 'Location", mat.translationPart() # 3D Vector print 'Size", mat.scalePart() # 3D Vector print 'Rotation", mat.toEuler() # Euler object
Python API
Added render.getRenderWinSize() method, to complement render.setRenderWinSize()
Pydrivers: Ipo Drivers controlled by Python expressions
wiki with info: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/BlenderDev/PyDrivers (there are two sample .blends in the patch tracker entry, last link in the wiki page) Notes: In usiblender.c I just made Python exit before the main library gets freed. I found a situation with pydrivers where py's gc tried to del objects on exit and their ID's were not valid anymore (so sigsegv). Ton needs to check the depsgraph part. For now pydrivers can reference their own object, something normal ipodrivers can't. This seems to work fine and is quite useful, but if tests prove the restriction is necessary, we just need to uncomment a piece of code in EXPP_interface.c, marked with "XXX". Thanks Ton for the ipodrivers code and adding the hooks for the py part and Martin for the "Button Python Evaluation" patch from which I started this one. Anyone interested, please check the wiki, the .blends (they have README's) and tell me about any issue. Small update for pydrivers: force reloading the pydrivers.py Blender text module when user edits the input text box of any pydriver (Transform Properties panel, Ipo window). It's enough to click in and out of a single pydriver's text input box for the module reloading and also re-evaluation of all pydrivers available. Maybe this "refreshing" should also be available from a menu, let's see. Note for Python fans: Definitions and redefinitions in a reloaded module are properly handled in Python, but previously defined data in the module doesn't disappear. So if you define a function "f" inside a module, import it, then change the function's name to "g" and reload the module, both "f" and "g" will be available. This is considered a feature, check reload's documentation: http://docs.python.org/lib/built-in-funcs.html#l2h-59
Python API
Added activeGroup attribute to Mesh API, to get/set active vertex group for meshes.
python api
added optional 'worldspace' arg to getLocation/getSize/getEuler getSize is never flipped, but added a note in the docs. correction to getEuler, its not wrapped. also removed all // comments to shut GCC up.
Added "VertexPaint" slot for python menus
Python API
New Constraint API. Constraints are accessible through a "constraints" attribute in poses and objects. Would be REALLY NICE for armature users to pound on this code.
mesh python api
Added some shortcuts to Mesh MFace.area MFace.cent MEdge.length Updated some scripts that used these.
Mesh API
Log: Added MVert.hide property because hidden verts were hanging BPyMesh_Redux
==Python API== Added NULL constraint (and fixed bug that didn't allow appending FLOOR constraint), and added support for Constraint.Settings.LOCAL key support in COPYLOC, COPYROT and COPYSIZE constraints when target object is an armature.
Python API
* use CONSTRAINT_LOCAL instead of SELECT in "Copy Rotate" constraint * remove "LOCAL" key for now from "Copy Size" constraint; not supported right now in Blender UI
Python API
Make me.faces.sel and me.edges.sel behave like EM_select_face() and EM_select_edge() in source/blender/src/editmesh_lib.c. Script users should note that if they change ANY of the selection states (vertex, edge, face) and then call a mesh "tool" method (like me.remDoubles) that the selection states of the mesh MAY change, since these tools use the edit mode (which updates select states).
pose api
*applying patch [ #4143 ] Methods for reading bone movement limits Aron Cristian (criller) Gives the ability to return/set the limitations on a posebone when that bone is part of an IK chain.