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2009年1月31日 (土) 09:04時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (Org:Bf-institute/Bf-education/Certification/Plan moved to Org:Foundation/Bf-education/Certification/Plan: Bf-education is under Foundation, I wasn't aware of that)
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Steps to get the certification program going

  • Get regular meetings. Once a month is not enough. once a week might be too much, but a meeting every two weeks should be fine, with a progress report in the other week.
  • Give out tasks. One important task is the project leader, but other tasks that are needed are making minutes of the meetings and maintaining the wiki. it also might be usefull to have a mentor.
  • Make a project plan. Maybe the most important step in a project. in this project plan there are a couple of things that will be recorded: the goal of the project, project boundries (what we are going to do, and, more important, what not.), tasks, planning (not very detailed) and cost and effect. basicaly all the information that is needed to get the project done.
  • Execute the project plan. If the plan is made well, many people can take up small tasks. It is important that a task should be able to be done within a day. The meetings will be important to keep track of who does what.
  • Keep the Certification program running. Again tasks should be given out, to have a running program. (is actualy a part of executing the plan)
  • Evaluation. after 9 to 10 months the certification program should be evaluated. With the information from the evaluation, things must be ajusted to solve problems that came up. should be finished within a month, to make shure people can get the new certificate.