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< Org:Foundation‎ | Bf-education‎ | Certification
2018年6月29日 (金) 02:51時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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To ensure that the Blender Certification has value we must check if people can teach blender. To be able to teach blender we think you should have two things: the knowledge to use blender, and the ability to teach blender.

When you apply for a certificate we ask the following things:

  • submission form
  • (video)tutorial
  • Portfolio
  • Resume

The certification board has the following guidelines to judge those points:

For the submission form we check if the information is correct. Primarily to check if it is you who applied.

With the (video) tutorial we look for your ability to teach blender. For the tutorial we will look if you have a good story, with clear explanations and screen shots. With a video tutorial we can even better see if you can teach blender. Here we also look if you have a clear story and good explanations, but we can also see how you would do when showing blender to other people in a classroom or during a workshop.

When we look at your portfolio we look for your knowledge of blender. Can you model, render, use materials and textures, animate, etc.

With your resume we can see if you have previous experience with teaching blender, or teaching in general. we can ask for references to check your resume.