利用者:Iluvblender/Reference/Bullet game engine

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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:36時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Tips and Tricks

  • Quickly bake game simulation without showing the game engine graphics by holding left SHIFT+CTRL+ALT and press P-KEY.

Python API

This is the Python API for the Physics Constraints

import PhysicsConstraints
print dir(PhysicsConstraints) 
  • createConstraint
createConstraint(ob1,ob2,float restLength,float restitution,float damping)
  • getAppliedImpulse
  • getVehicleConstraint
  • removeConstraint
  • setCcdMode
  • setContactBreakingTreshold
  • setDeactivationAngularTreshold
  • setDeactivationLinearTreshold
  • setDeactivationTime
  • setDebugMode
  • setGravity
  • setLinearAirDamping
  • setNumIterations
  • setNumTimeSubSteps
  • setSolverDamping
  • setSolverTau
  • setSolverType
  • setSorConstant
  • setUseEpa
