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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:37時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Blender Web Plugin :: ActiveX version

This page is more of a development log of what's going on.


1. submit patches for GHOST and blenderplayer (eta 2008-11-06)
2. implement the ActiveX control (eta 2008-11-06)


Implemented support for the -i option in blenderplayer which leaded to implement parenting windows in GHOST.

I'm about to submit a ticket and I have only 3 hours to do so AND implement the ActiveX control that will download the .blend files and open blenderplayer as my new deadline is today.


Some progress in this day.

I've manage to open a nested window with OpenGL content. I've also learned what was the bad mistake I was making (the window itself doesn't size to fit the entire parent window.. it starts with 0 size. The solution is to query the parent window for it's size and set the same size for the child during the creation).

also, jesterKing from #blendercoders told me about the linker options in windows environment that controls how the application is started (as a windows or a dos application). So, the problem with opening terminals has been solved.


I've learned some basic stuff about OpenGL in Windows.

2008-11-03 :: Afternoon

I've managed to build blender in Windows Vista. I also have spent most of my time researching on how to connect to a parent window that's created elsewhere - it's surprisingly easy and works pretty well.

Now I'm gonna plug blender into that original window and see what happens. If everything goes fine, the last part will be to change the main process so it's an ActiveX control.

2008-11-03 :: Morning

I've managed to understand how it's going to be implemented. It'll be pretty much like the XEmbed version, with a crucial difference: the window where blenderplayer will render will be managed by the ActiveX plugin and not by the browser (as it happens in the xembed version).