Dev:2.5/Source/Data system/FileBrowser

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2018年6月29日 (金) 03:40時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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File Browser

This is a long lists of topics and todo's regarding the file browser and the data browser/asset browser. If anyone would like to pick up a topic, please put your name and current progress next to the item, so nobody wastes time on working on something that is already tackled. Also feel free to add topics to the Design/Decisions section and once agreed on they will be moved to the corresponding TODO. Mockups and images are welcome too.

Wintercamp mockup

2 5 editors 07.png


  • done
      buttons for left panel (system/bookmarks/recent) (Andrea)
  • left panel should have button for adding bookmark and next to each bookmark there should be a button with [x] or [-] to remove the bookmark again.
  • done
      how to allow in-place renaming of a file
  • done
      how to allow adding a new directory via a button (where should the name be edited)
  • header buttons (suggestion):
    • done
        Navigation: up (parent), back, forward
    • done
        Sorting: Alphabetic, Time, Size, Type
    • Filter:
      • done
          by type (movie file, image file, python script, text file, .blend file...)
      • by pattern (*.bla)
      • A search button should be added to allow a user to quickly find files and folders.
  • done
      scrollbar should be added to allow the user to better determine the amount of files in the current directory

File Menus

(WIP - Suggestions)

  • Directory
    • Create New Directory
    • Refresh
    • Go to Previous
    • Go to Next
    • Go to Parent Dir
  • File
    • Rename
    • Delete
  • Bookmark
    • Add Current Directory

Functionality TODO

  • done
     Add explicit operator buttons in header for refresh and parent. (Andrea)
  • done
      List of recent directories (Andrea)
  • done
      Human readable file sizes (Matt)
  • done
      Hide backup file/ hide .dot files (Andrea)
  • done
     add filtering header buttons(Andrea)
  • done
     add current directory to recent directories in the fsmenu (channel area) on file_exec.(Andrea)
  • done
      Bring back hide dot files (Andrea)
  • done
      Add navigation to next and previous folder (Dalai)
  • done
     add header menu(s) and add all operators that are only on hotkeys so far(Andrea)
  • done
     Delete File Operator (XKEY) (Andrea)
  • done
     Rename File Operator (NKEY)
  • done
     tab completion
  • done
     remove non-existing folders from the bookmarks (maybe with user confirm, since bookmark might just be temporarily unavailable)
  • done
     Link/Append operators and support
  • Touch File Operator (TKEY)
  • done
     Create new directory needs button
  • Importers should be able to put settings in the filebrowser
  • Choose exporter type in filebrowser like image type
  • Collapsed view for image sequences
  • Filter string regex?
  • File browser settings (sort by) as user preference
  • Image views could be a little smaller, and/or zoom in/out
  • show file hierarchy in left
  • review font usage and text printing (should be able to use outline fonts, international fonts and special characters)
  • improve scrolling with PGUPKEY/PGDOWNKEY
  • scroll to begin/end (HOMEKEY, ENDKEY)
  • store thumbnail of .blend file and display it in filebrowser as image (when in thumbnail view)
  • automatically suggest (ie fills) the filename field when saving as scripts from Text Editor. Images as well, although images may be working.
  • refresh on file browser open for system drives
  • access to network files by giving UNC name '//server/share' for example.

Operators TODO

  • IKEY, EKEY opens image editor or text editor.( Needs to be tested whether it works on Windows, I remember some issues ~~Elubie)
  • done
     PLUSKEY/MINUSKEY - increment/decrement the last number in filename (or append number, if not there already)
  • done
     fix highlight operator for files, it still highlights when in left (channel) region. (might need own poll function?)(Andrea)
  • done
     review file browser invoke operators for reusable invoke funktion (Andrea)
  • done
     write operators returning a list of files (image sequence)(Campbell)
  • done
     operators should be callable without setting directory in the operator RNA, filebrowser should open most recently opened directory(Andrea)

Refactoring/cleanup TODO

  • done
     remove '.' and '..' from file list(Andrea)
  • done
     remove loadlibrary stuff from filebrowser (Andrea)
  • done
     encapsulate the static fsmenu pointers(Andrea)
  • done
     review whether it's possible to join the file_draw_previews and file_draw_list functions (Andrea)
  • done
     review selection of files (possibly store position of the tile in filelist and check for mouse in rect. (Andrea)
  • done
     separate retrieving images and icons in the filelist to allow displaying icon without shadow rectangle. (Andrea)
  • done
     fix font handling and bounding box calculation for strings (use international fonts is broken)(Andrea)
  • done
     replace custom threading code with wm_jobs



  • sometimes when loading old files, the icon for the 3d-view will still show a filebrowser icon once the file is loaded


  • done
     The root folder in Windows is \ instead of C:\. (it looks like missing BLI_make_exist() ~~ dfelinto)
  • done
     if you manually type a folder skipping the last slash (eg C:\Blender) any extra folder you click get wrong (eg C:\BlenderMyOtherSubFolder). (In that case probably it needs to call: BLI_make_file_string ~~ dfelinto)
  • done
     on most old files, trying to open a filebrowser using hotkeys (F1 and F2) will not correctly initialise the panels, so you're left with just a big list of files that you cannot do anything with
  • done
     on old files saved with some view maximised, the above bug makes it impossible to use the filebrowser at all (from any location)
  • done
     TODO item? -> increment/decrement buttons should use icons not text, and should probably take at least UI_UNIT_X each
  • done
     crash when loading file that has filebrowser open
  • done
     file size over 2GB/4GB? shows negative number