テンプレート:Release Notes/2.46/Game Engine/Actuators/2D Filters

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2009年4月6日 (月) 22:22時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (this has to go here, my fault)
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2D Filters

This new actuator apply image filters, like motion blur, blur, sobel edge detection and so many other filters on final render result. Custom 2D filters give you the ability to define your own 2d filter using GLSL. its usage is the same as built-in filters, but you must select "Custom Filter" in 2D Filter actuator, then write shader program into Text Editor and then place shader script name on actuator.

2D Filters: Motion Blur
2D Filters: Sepia
2D Filters: Sobel
2D Filters: Blur
2D Filters: Dilation