Extensions talk:Py/Scripts/Manual/Export/DXF

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2009年7月28日 (火) 18:11時点におけるwiki>Migiusによる版 (edit)
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DConvertCon.exe seems to contain a trojan - scan by Avira AntiVir - Please check that, and del this entry. Thanx Virus or unwanted program 'TR/Dropper.Gen [trojan]' detected in file 'C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Administrator\Desktop\DConvertCon.exe. Action performed: Delete file

no virus/trojan found in file DConvertCon.exe, downloaded today, 355.870 Bytes: "DConvert Console V1.0. Copyright 2002, OpenDWG Alliance Inc..." scan by AVG-Anti-Virus (ver. 8.5.375/270.13.10/2230) migius 22:38, 10 July 2009 (UTC)

Download link updated to web-archive-repository with original version from 2006 OpenDWG Alliance migius 09:11, 28 July 2009 (UTC)