利用者:Red Jay

提供: wiki
2009年8月28日 (金) 00:16時点におけるwiki>Red Jayによる版 (Created page with 'I am Becca, I use Blender in illustrations for our ministry and related work. I also make just stuff for fun when I have free time. I love to animate, but I rarely have time to d…')
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I am Becca, I use Blender in illustrations for our ministry and related work. I also make just stuff for fun when I have free time. I love to animate, but I rarely have time to do something decent. I also don't mind minor projects outside of my ministry work, but it depends on what's happening. And I also fix typos on the wiki because I'm a self-proclaimed grammar nazi.

You can contact me at blenderartists.org by dropping me a private message, but don't expect me to give out my e-mail unless I have a really, really good reason. I hate e-mail.