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2009年9月26日 (土) 18:57時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版
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Noting down old proposal  from January 2009, most of this stuff has  been done :)

Trackers for Scripts back in sync

I propose to use the tools put in place 4 years ago by jesterKing and Ianwill, they aren't used as they deserve.

  • We could use the bf-scripts tracker for scripts themselve.
    That is, instead of having patches TO scripts, treat scripts AS patches. and let people suggests patches to scripts in comments under the script itself.
    That would keep things well organized, with comments and updates in an unique page.
    Think at patches to blender's code, we could have the same benefit here :)
  • Since many people don't have access to svn, my suggestion is to have a new folder in bf-scripts tracker called "Scripts" where we can put the scripts themselves, in order to let people contribute with text under the relevant script; then, when a script evolves in a new version, we push that in bf-scripts svn. This will have the benefit to let us release scripts on a release base:
    • say we have a script "mesh_1.0-blender_2.48.py" in blender-2.48
    • people contribute and discuss in the tracker in page "mesh_1.0-blender_2.48.py", and author may release in that page the various "mesh_1.xx-blender_2.48.py" versions
    • if committers do bugfixing they should put a note in the script page, in order to let other know
    • then blender-2.49 comes out: we
      • push the last mesh_1.xx-blender_2.48.py in svn,
      • close the "mesh_1.0-blender_2.48.py" tracker,
      • open a "mesh_2.0-blender_2.49.py"
    • and the cycle begins again
Actually the bf-scripts trunk is 4 years old (!) because scripts get committed directly in bf-blender trunk. If possible, I propose to committ to bf-scripts trunk instead, and do an automatic update from bf-scripts svn to bf-blender svn.
If we update both together, bf-scripts require to fill in a proper patch or paste the patch/upload the new script in the script page or you will loose track: will committers do this?
Actually python scripts committers I know are Campbell and Migius, who else?
  • Organize bf-scripts svn in proper folders, each one with same structure of Manual or Blender's Scripts View menu (this is better since probably that will change less than wiki):
    • Bundled scripts go in bf-scripts trunk: these are scripts release with Blender;
    • Contrib scripts go in bf-scripts branches: these are external scripts and have proper permission from the authors which should log in the Tracker and give permission to use their script in Tracker (these could be included in Blender in the future);
    • External scripts: these don't have permission to be included in the Tracker (and so in bf-scripts/branches) or they are in Tracker with proper permission but they are not good enough to be included in bf-scripts/branches (these is what happens to Blender's patches).
This way you we define an explicit process for scripts to be included in official Blender source and have a manner to manage scripts whose authors don't give permission for Tracker, since we just link to their site from wiki.
  • If we set a login to projects.blender.org users also in wiki (same user name), people that want to contribute to tracker can (or has to? :) start a development page in wiki under Dev:/Scripts and a manual Doc:/Scripts under to have a wiki user, identities
  • Open new trackers or subfolder of bf-scripts for "Cookbook","Pynodes","Pydrivers" to follow the proposed structure
Discussions with jesterKing and meta-androcto

Here is the meta-androcto's "Proposal for wiki transition scripts"

Tracker for Plugins

Open a "Plugins" tracker also.
Then maybe Kent Mein's plugins repository could be brought there (and Kent agrees also! :)

Discussion with Kent

Tracker for blend files

I see it with its svn, and divided in folders as:

  • Test regression files
Easy to follow their evolution, and easy to push them to blender realease branch when Release comes
  • Test files to link from wiki!
  • Blender-institute projects files
  • "Contrib" as best blend files coming from authors wanting to share, divided in appropriate folders:
    • Rigs
    • Materials
    • Nodes
    • Models
    • ...what else?
Here authors or we (under permission) could upload rigs and cool things reported on BlenderNation (but not only). Here we don't need to worry about permissions, since only the authors should update their tracker (example only Bassam updates his Mancandy rig).