利用者:Mats Halldin/Sandbox/Incubator-000

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2009年10月10日 (土) 03:16時点におけるwiki>Mats Halldinによる版 (CPA - Circle-Polygon-Arc: wikify)
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Below is my initial attempt to translate the ProCAD GUI and documentation. A lot of work is still ahead.

This is not an official document or a direct translation from Italian. It's more of a personal documentation of the script. It might contain errors.

Hopefully, this will develop into a series of pages, including a manual, translations, tutorials etcetera. Why not a CAD Mode in Blender?

Feel invited!


Related links

Main script window

This table is supposed to be a list with brief descriptions for quick reference. Some clean-up and reordering needed.

I've been using Blender 2.48a ProCAD 2.5 while investigating the script. The documentation I've managed to find is for Blender 2.42 ProCAD 2.2. I have been unable to run ProCAD 2.6 under any version of Blender.

Azione Action Description
DCS (Direction Cursor-Selection)  
DCC (Direction Cursor-Cursor) Move 3D cursor the given distance in the direction given by the last stored cursor position and the current cursor position.
DSS (Direction Selection-Selection) Move the 3D cursor the given distance between two selected vertices and add a vertex at the location. A dialogue follows asking for a length for an optional perpendicular line.
  • Use the </> button to alter direction. Lengths longer than the distance between the selections can be entered.
UC (Undo Cursor) Removes stored 3D cursor coordinates
RC (Redo Cursor) Restores removed 3D cursor coordinates
OG   (Object Mode) Create a new object containing a single vertex and enter edit mode.
OC   (Object Mode) As above, but opens a dialogue for coordinates. Places the vertex in the coordinates of the active viewport, but relocates the 3D cursor to given global coordinates. This allows to easily relate the vertex created to both the active view and to global coordinates. Using Blender's native snap tools or the VER command, the vertex can quickly be snapped to the 3D cursor.
VER   (Edit Mode) Creates a vertex at the 3D cursor (global coordinates.)
CPA Circle-Polygon-Arc Create polygons
ELL Ellipse Create an ellipse
POL Polyline  
PAR Parallel Create a parallel line
SMU Smooth ("Smussa") Bevel a corner
RAC Join ("Raccorda") Extends lines to their common intersection
SPI Edge ("Spigolo") Add two perpendicular lines
CCS Center Cursor-Selection Place the cursor between the current selection and the 3D cursor
CCC Center Cursor-Cursor Place 3D cursor between its current location and a location stored in memory
CSS Center Selection-Selection Place 3D cursor between two selected vertices and add a vertex
MS Memory Selection Add currently selected vertex coordinates to memory
MC Memory Cursor Add current 3D cursor coordinates to memory
XYZ   Move cursor a specified distance
X, Y, Z    
S>C Snap Selection to Cursor Move current selection to 3D cursor
REMDB Remove doubles Automatically removes double vertices
<0.001> Threshold for REMDB  
DEC: 3 Decimals for rounding  
PROCAD List of hotkeys  
BLENDER List of hotkeys
ESCI Exit script  

CPA - Circle-Polygon-Arc

CPA (Circle-Polygon-Arc, "Cerchi-Poligoni-Arco") - Create circles, polygons, and arcs inscribed or circumscribed into/onto a circumference. (Edit Mode)

Takes a single vertex as its initial input (use SKEY in script window) and a series of other vertices. Ouput is generated in the coordinates of the active 3D view.

For most options only the principal data are necessary. The other fields can be applied to all figures created.

CERCHI - POLIGONI - ARCHI — Circle - Polygon - Arc
Dati principali Main data
Num.spicchi Number of segments (of polygon)
Raggio Radius (of polygon)
Ang.iniz. Initial angle (of arc)
Ang.arco (End) angle of arc
Area Area
Perimetro Perimeter
Lato polig. Length of polygon segments
Comandi Command
Inscr/Circoscr Inscribed/Circumscribed
Orario/Antiorario Clockwise/Counterclockwise
Correzioni Correction
Abilita Correz. Enable correction
Correzione X, Y, Z Incremental correction X, Y, Z
Correz. Raggio Incremental radius correction
Dati Extra Extra data
Correz. R. punta Incremental correction of center point
Frequenza Frequency (of center point correction)

Input alternatives

Required input for the various available input alternatives.

Input alternatives for polygon creation
Input Required
CPA - Circle passing through three points
Three vertices Number of segments Arc angles, corrections  
CPA - Two points on a diameter
Two vertices Number of segments Arc angles, corrections
CPA - Two points on a radius
Two vertices Number of segments Arc angles, corrections
CPA - Center and radius
Inital vertex Number of segments, length of radius Arc angles, corrections
CPA - Center and diameter
Initial vertex Number of segments, length of diameter Arc angles
CPA - Two points and a radius
Two vertices Number of segments, length of radius Arc angles, corrections
CPA - Two extreme arc points and a radius
Two vertices Number of segments, length of radius Arc angles, corrections
Note: Circles cannot be created with this command. Because two arcs can be created out of a pair of points, proper selection of primary and secondary vertices is essential (use SKEY in script window).
CPA - Center 3D cursor and initial selection
Two vertices and position of 3D cursor Number of segments Arc angles, corrections
Note: Proper selection of primary and seconday vertices is essential (use SKEY in script window). Use SKEY to position the 3D cursor.
_PA - Center 3D cursor, initial selection, final (end of arc)
Two vertices and position of 3D cursor Number of segments Arc angles, corrections
Note: Circles cannot be created with this command. Proper selection of primary and secondary vertices is essential.
CPA - Center and area
A vertex Number of segments, area Arc angles, corrections
CPA - Center and perimeter
A vertex Number of segments, perimeter Arc angles, corrections
Note: The perimeter is applied to the figure actually created, so setting arc angle to 360 degrees or 180 degrees results in different output.
_PA - Center and polygon segment
A vertex (for center) Number of segments, length of polygon segments Arc angles, corrections

MIS - Measurements

  • MIS (Misurazioni, Measurements) - Returns various measurements.
    • Valid input is either
      • Two 3D cursor points in memory and a vertex at current location of 3D cursor
        • Position the 3D cursor on point 1, press MC.
        • Position the 3D cursor on point 2, press MC.
        • Position the 3D cursor on a vertex, press MIS.
      • Two selected vertices and a vertex at current location of 3D cursor
      • A selected line
Console output example:

COORD.PUNTO1 -5.96046447754e-08 1.49011611938e-07 0.0 COORD.PUNTO2 1.0 5.96046447754e-08 0.0 COORD.VERTICE 1.0 1.0 1.0

MISURAZIONI Measurements
2 Punti come MEM CUR e vertice in cursore 3D 2 points in memory and vertex at 3D cursor
2 punti selezionati e vertice in cursore 3D 2 selected points and vertex at 3D cursor
Linee selezionate Selected line
Decimali di arrotondamento Decimals for rounding
Dati 3D Calcolati Calculated 3D Data
DP1-V, DP2-V, DP1-P2 Distances between vertices
A-V, A-P1, A-P2 Hexadecimale angles at vertices
DP1-V, DP2-V, DP1-DP2 Distances on XY plane
XYZ-1, XYZ-2. XYZ-V Coordinates

ELL - Ellipse

  • ELL (ELLISSI, Ellipse) - Create an ellipse.
ELLISSI - ARCHI DI ELLISE Ellipses - Arcs of ellipses
Dati Principali Main Data
Num.spicchi Number of segments
Raggio asse X, Y Radius of X, Y axes
Ang.iniz. Initial angle
Ang.arco Angle of arc
Correzioni Corrections
Abilita Correz. Enable Corrections
Correzione Z Z correction
Comandi Command
Orario/Antiorario Clockwise/Countercklockwise

POL - Polar polyline

  • POL - (Edit Mode) Creates a line. Opens a dialogue for polar coordinates relative to the current view and the selected vertex. Automatically selects the created vertex. (Lunghezza=Length, Angolo piano=Planar angle, Angolo incl.=Angle of inclination.) Angles clockwise from Y axis (up in view coordinates). NOTE: An angle of inclination of 90 or -90 degrees will create an endless line unless Lunghezza 3D is enabled.
    • The "Lunghezza XY/3D" button determines if Length is based on Global coordinates (real length of line = Length) or viewport coordinates (appearent length of line in viewport = Length (off, default)).
    • "Angolo relativo" determines if the angles are based on 3D space coordinates (default up in the 3D viewport) or coordinates stored in memory (i.e. in the direction of the stored coordinates).

PAR - Parallel lines

  • PAR (Parallela, "Parallel", PKEY) - Create parallel lines. Edit Mode, Vertex and Edge Selection Mode only.
    • A dialogue asks for two inputs: Distance ("Distanza") between the lines and Correction Z ("Correzione Z"), a Z offset.
    • Parallel lines are added in the direction of the 3D cursor, so Distance must always be positive. Valid input include two non-connected vertices.
    • Parallel Multiple (OR Key) - ???
      • Execute PAR on several lines. Output is different in edge and vertex selection modes.

SMU - Bevel, smooth

  • SMU (Smussa, "Smooth") - Bevel an angle between two connected lines.
    • Select the first line and click MS to add it to memory. Then select the other line and click SMU to create the bevel. A dialogue opens asking for a number of vertices ("Num.spicchi") and a radius ("Raggio").
    • The lines must be coplanar to ensure there is a common vertex.

RAC - Join, extend

  • RAC (Raccorda, "Join") - Extend two lines to a common intersection.
    • If the extension of one line intersects the other line or the extensions of both lines intersect, two lines will be added stretching from that intersection to the nearest two endpoints of the original lines. For non-coplanar lines the appearent intersection in the current view will be created. Arbitrary results is produced for odd input (i.e. intersecting and overlapping lines) with a preference for shortest distance for the extensions returned.
    • The 3D cursor is relocated to the newly added intersection but the two original lines remain selected.


  • CO -

SPI - Edge

  • SPI - (Spigolo, "Edge") Add two cardinal lines separated by a 90 degrees angle between two vertices. (View coordinates). The 3D cursor is relocated to the newly added vertex.


  • TAG -


  • SPE -

PRO - Project

  • PRO (Project, "Proietta") - Project vertices.
    • Projects current vertex selection onto cardinal planes (i.e. XY, XZ, and YZ planes). Created vertices are separate objects included into the current selection set in Object Mode. Vertices are projected relative to the position of the 3D cursor

CCS - Center Cursor-Selection

  • CCS - (Center Cursor-Selection) Center cursor between current 3D cursor and active vertex

CCC - Center Cursor-Cursor

  • CCC - (Center Cursor-Cursor) Center cursor between 3D cursor and 3D cursor coordinates stored in memory (MC).

Center Selection-Selection

  • CSS - (Center Selection-Selection) Center 3D cursor between two selected vertices and add vertex at this position. (Use the /2 and </> buttons on the right to pick other positions than the midposition.) A dialogue follows with the optional choice of adding a perpendicular line (2D, top view) from the location.

MS - Selection to Memory

  • MS - (Memory Selection, SKEY) Adds a maximum of 20 selected vertices to memory.

MC - Cursor to Selection

  • MC - (Memory Cursor) Adds a maximum of 20 3D cursor positions to memory.

XYZ - move 3D Cursor

  • XYZ - Moves the 3D cursor. Dialogue opens for distance. Toggle axes on/off with the X, Y, and Z buttons on the right.


  • ORT -


  • VDI -


  • S>C (Snap Selection-Cursor) - Snap vertices of active object selection to 3D cursor.
    • If excecuted with individual vertices in edit mode, all vertices of the active object are snapped to the 3D cursor. Object centers are not affected.


  • V3D -


  • DIM -

Right panels

  • REMDOUB - Automatic removal of double vertices, toggles on/off.
    • Removes doubles below threshold distance.
  • <0,001> - Threshold for REMDB
  • X, Y, Z -
  • / 2 -
  • </> -
  • C/S -
  • DEC: 3 - Decimals to use for rounding (?)
  • PROCAD - List of PoCAD hotkeys
  • BLENDER - Selected list of Blender hotkeys
  • ESCI - (EKEY) Exits the script.