利用者:Mindrones/Wiki/Proposals/2010/Contents By Media

提供: wiki
< 利用者:Mindrones‎ | Wiki‎ | Proposals‎ | 2010
2010年9月14日 (火) 23:50時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (formatting)
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Paper book

  • has to be paid
  • you don't know user response, feedback is difficult (can setup a mail or so)
  • long preparation time
  • printing costs



  • can be easily copied, so the price is relative, but can be sold (some newspaper do that daily)
  • ~0 printing costs, server costs if you don't want to put in on some sharing system (not the case)
  • shorter preparation time than paper
  • you don't know user response, feedback is difficult and not encouraged (same as paper books)
Converting Wiki into pdf has issues. Large images do not fit the book's paper. Hyperlinks to other sections do not work well in pdf. --User:Raindrops 14:34, 14 September 2010 (UTC)

Online content

  • difficult to be paid
    • offers
    • annual registration fee for a "paying-user login"
      • this would feasible in practise in wiki since special user rights could be given to paying users but could be perceived as an injustice by users
      • also, big companies give doc for free (adobe, autodesk, apple)
  • web pages
    • static contents
    • dynamic contents
      • based on user input (quizes, feedback in the content)
      • based on user experience or not (difficult to do)
      • involves a DB, server side scripting and maintenance
  • contains video or not


  • intuitive, fast
  • becomes old very easily
  • can be organized in playlists

Audio (Podcasts)

  • Not our case I think, but would be interesting