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Building, testing, and using Blender 2.5-GSoC 2010-Leif

The following page is a howto for building and using the GSoC 2010 testing project's branch of blender.

Installing Blender

Getting a pre-built version

I, and several other very helpful people, have added some pre-built versions that you can find on Graphicall, these are likely to be out of date, and for the most up to date code, it is better to compile the source.

Installing Python

You will need python 3.1 to run some of the tests. Get it from a pre-built source, or build it yourself. Note that for the temporary future, Python 2.6 might also be required, as PIL[1] doesn't use Python 3.x yet.

Get Dependencies

The dependencies for this project currently are is only what the blender trunk requires, which is to say, you will need:

subversion, build-essential, gettext, libxi-dev, libsndfile1-dev, libopenexr-dev, 
libopenjpeg-dev, libpng12-dev, libopenal-dev, libalut-dev, python3.1-dev, 
libglu1-mesa-dev, libsdl-dev, libfreetype6-dev, libtiff4-dev, libsamplerate0-dev, 
libavdevice-dev, libavformat-dev, libavutil-dev, libavcodec-dev, libswscale-dev, 
libx264-dev, libxvidcore4-dev, libmp3lame-dev


Blender2.5 now uses your system's default FFMPEG libraries, If you have any problems please read how to compile and setup FFMPEG.


Currently, only building with CMake is supported is not supported, you will need CMake. Some of the tests that the code uses requires that you have CMake 2.6.4, note that this is higher than the version blender requires.

Get the Source

The source code can be downloaded from the svn repository: https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/soc-2010-leifandersen Therefore, on a unix like operating system, the following commands should work:

cd ~
mkdir blender-svn
cd blender-svn
svn co https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/soc-2010-leifandersen

And the repository can be updated:

svn up

Compiling with CMake

Only use CMake

Because CTest is currently used as a vital part of aggregation of the tests, and reporting your the results, CMake is the only system currently supported for building the project. Scans, Xcode and Visual Basic Projects, and configuring makefiles will not (to the best of my knowledge) work. Also, if you use CMake's GUI, it is recommended that you leave the WITH_TESTS option on, otherwise you will get a (slightly, as in a few days), out of date version of the trunk.

Preparing CMake

In source builds

Like the rest of Blender, in source builds are not supported. If you did an in source build, delete the CMakeCache.txt file that is created.

rm -f ~/blender-svn/soc-2010-leifandersen/CMakeCache.txt

Out of source builds

The idea is to create a separate directory, go into it, and run CMake, pointing it to the source directory:

mkdir ~/blender-svn/blender-build
cd ~/blender-svn/blender-build
cmake ../soc-2010-leifandersen

or, for nice looking output:

mkdir ~/blender-svn/blender-build
cd ~/blender-svn/blender-build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../soc-2010-leifandersen

Installation on Windows

I don't use windows, if someone does get it to work on windows, please fill this out. Thank you.

Editing CMake's Options

The only only difference with vanilla blender 2.5 is the addition of the ADD_TESTS option, this enables and disables most of the features added in this version of blender. (There is a python tests module which currently get's installed whether or not the WITH_TESTS option is turned on or off). Also, for the tests to work, the WITH_INSTALL variable must be set to true.

Building Blender

First time

After changes have been done and you have generated the makefiles, you can compile using the make command inside the build folder:

cd ~/blender-svn/build-cmake
make -j3

Jobs parameter should be -j(1+number_of_cores)

For example put "-j3" if you have a dual-core or "-j5" if you have a quad-core.

Next builds

Next time you update svn you may need to reconfigure CMake,

note: this is only needed when an 'svn update' causes files to be added or removed which doesn't happen all that often.

There are two choices:

  • you need to change CMake's configurations again:
    • run ccmake or cmake-gui again
    • press 'c' to re-configure and 'q' to quit
    • type make as you did the first time
  • you don't need to change setup:
cmake ../blender
(NOT ccmake ../blender). This will reconfigure and generate the makefile
This is faster and also you could add this in single comand, like:
svn up ../blender; cmake ../blender; make

Using the modifications

The using the modifications section has been deprecated, for up to date information on how to use the modifications, see the README file, and the Design Documentation (for future developers) (both listed below) for more information.

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