テンプレート:Release Notes/2.41/Bugs Fixed

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2009年2月18日 (水) 07:03時点におけるwiki>Mindronesによる版 (Dev:Ref/Release Notes/.DPL share/2.41/Bugs Fixed moved to Template:Release Notes/2.41/Bugs Fixed: move to Template:)
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Misc Bug Fixes

Python specific and Game Engine specific bugs are located with the release notes on ge and python

Boolean Crash

Fix boolean modifier crash; if boolean code cannot do the operation on the meshes, print an error dialog and delete the modifier object.

Camera transform fix

Bug fix: #3684 When grabing a camera in camera view, the constraint center wasn't the center used for initgrabz, so it messed up a lot.

Bump Fix

Bug #3681 The never ending bump mapping saga!

With the fix over a month ago, which added correct texture space vectors for the bump, gave results so crispy that normals could invert after normalize. This only when the normal "fac" slider was > 1.0.

The normals from imagetextures now get clipped to prevent it to result in flipping normals. Will do more tests though...

Also note that the real good way would be have the tangent vectors for the actual render normal available to perturb for bump, thats another story.

Threadsafe fix

Bugfix #3673 Threadsafe patch for environment maps type "Load" missed to include a call, so still crashed. Only for non-debug builds though, so not reported earlier.


Bugfix #3643 Editmode mesh: after an unhide ("reveal") the countall() needed to be called. This caused for example extrude not to work when all was hidden.

Bugfix #3646 Outliner, using scrollwheel with mouse in scrollbar didn't scroll in the correct direction.

Bugfix: the "Block" button (which delivers popups) did not return a correct event when nothing happened (mouse moved out), which could cause mouse clicks to be passed on to the queue.

Crazyspace fix

Fix for CrazySpace correction. (Special request of our Argentinan bird movie friends :)

There were two issues with it, which both have been tackled as follows:

- the correction transformations (quaternions) were calculated per face, and then averaged over the vertices. This gave annoying inaccuracies, especially when the geometry is irregular. The new code first calculates two tangent vectors in a vertex, based on the associated edges it has in a face. These tangents then are used to define the transform. Tangents are 20% of the length of an edge now.

- When a SubSurf modifier was in the chain, the deformation caused by the subsurf was also included in CrazySpace correction, giving even larger errors. New code temporally disables Subsurf, recalculates vertices, and then does the crazy tricks. :)

Fluids Fix

- removed debugging output from fluidsim export - directores with "+" are now valid for fluidsim data - simulation now always uses frame 1 to endframe, so changing start frame settings should work again

tif fix

I also provided a fix for tiff images.(It was appending tif even if it was already in the name, now it does it correctly) (no more image.tif.tif)


There was a problem with typing over text selections, where you had an object with 21 letter name (19 is the max but 21 is supported, just copy a mesh a few times) After this click on the object name and start typing, even though the selection makes it that the new string would be overwritten, it dosent let you type in any text.


added prototypes for bottom_sel_action and friends. Steath Apprentice said its needed for MSC.Bug # 3687

bug fix sound

Fixed a segfault in zooming out on long wave files- 6min+

Was using shorts which couldn't cope with viewing many samples at once.

OOPS fix

Log: Bugfix for http://projects.blender.org/tracker/?func=detail&atid=125&aid=3767&group_id=9 View All/View Selected - only took into account values from 1 axis. - Workaround because test_view2d needs to act that way for other functions. Easy one :) Right mouse mutton cancels transform. - Must move to Theeth's new code one day.

renderer bugfix

Patch #3760: Allows a python script to call renderer when the UI is not active (thanks to Cory King for patch).Without the patch, blender will segfault since G.vd is NULL.