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Compute Flow Line

The possible configurations when compute the flow line based on gradient projected over faces.

This analysis avoid unnecessary calculation of intersections as much as possible

Gradients pointing to same edge 10-6

The actual point of flow line is some vertex on mesh, and all neighbors have a lower values. then stop algorithm because the actual verter is a local maximun

Gradients pointing to same edge 10-6

The actual point of flow line is some vertex on mesh, and the only posibble direction is to next vertex on edge (12), because the edge 12 - 9 contains the max value around vertex 9.

Gradients pointing to same edge 10-6

The actual point of flow line is some vertex on mesh, and the next direction is to edge with higher values 12-10.

Gradients pointing to same edge 10-6

The vertex origin is in edge 7-6, how the third vertex has 9 value that is higher that other two, the gradient direction is on edge 7-9.

Gradients pointing to same edge 10-6

The values in the edge 10-8 are higher that 4 and 3 values of the other vertices, then the flow line continue to the vertice with max value in this case 10.