Community:Science/Robotics/MORSE/Pocolibs Scene

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2018年6月29日 (金) 04:36時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Constructing a simulation scene using Pocolibs

  1. Buld the scenario using Blender (terrain, buildings, trees)
  2. Save the file with a new name, in the $ORS_ROOT/scenarii directory
  3. Link in the props from the file
    • Scene_Script_Holder
    • CameraUser
    • Screen (optional)
  4. Link in the Dala robot from the file
    • All the elements listed under Objects
  5. Select all elements of the robot
    • RMB Template-RMB.png on the body of Dala
    • ⇧ ShiftG  »  Children
      Press ⇧ ShiftG
      From the menu that appears, select "Children" (pressing ↵ Enter immediately will work too)
  6. Make them local to the scene
    • L  »  Selected Objects
      Press L
      From the menu that appears, select "Selected Objects" (pressing ↵ Enter immediately will work too)
  7. Additional components can be added to the robot, by following steps 4-6 linking the corresponding Blender files. Then parenting the components to the main robot:
    • Select the Empty object of the component RMB Template-RMB.png
    • Select also the robot ⇧ ShiftRMB Template-RMB.png
    • Parent the two objects CtrlP
  8. Optionally, duplicate the robot
    • Press the 7 NumPad to switch to Top view
    • With the robot selected, press ⇧ ShiftD
    • The copy is already in "grab" mode, meaning it will move with the mouse. Place it at the desired location, then press LMB Template-LMB.png