「Dev:Py/Scripts/Cookbook/Code snippets/Armatures」の版間の差分

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This program creates an armature.

Code Snippets Armature.png

# File armature.py
import bpy, math
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix

def createRig(name, origin, boneTable):
    # Create armature and object
    ob = bpy.context.object
    ob.show_x_ray = True
    ob.name = name
    amt = ob.data
    amt.name = name+'Amt'
    amt.show_axes = True
    # Create bones
    for (bname, pname, vector) in boneTable:        
        bone = amt.edit_bones.new(bname)
        if pname:
            parent = amt.edit_bones[pname]
            bone.parent = parent
            bone.head = parent.tail
            bone.use_connect = False
            (trans, rot, scale) = parent.matrix.decompose()
            bone.head = (0,0,0)
            rot = Matrix.Translation((0,0,0))	# identity matrix
        bone.tail = rot * Vector(vector) + bone.head
    return ob
def poseRig(ob, poseTable):
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = ob
    for (bname, axis, angle) in poseTable:
        pbone = ob.pose.bones[bname]
        # Set rotation mode to Euler XYZ, easier to understand
        # than default quaternions
        pbone.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
        # Documentation bug: Euler.rotate(angle,axis):
        # axis in ['x','y','z'] and not ['X','Y','Z']
        pbone.rotation_euler.rotate_axis(axis, math.radians(angle))
def run(origo):
    origin = Vector(origo)
    # Table of bones in the form (bone, parent, vector)
    # The vector is given in local coordinates
    boneTable1 = [
        ('Base', None, (1,0,0)),
        ('Mid', 'Base', (1,0,0)),
        ('Tip', 'Mid', (0,0,1))
    bent = createRig('Bent', origin, boneTable1)

    # The second rig is a straight line, i.e. bones run along local Y axis
    boneTable2 = [
        ('Base', None, (1,0,0)),
        ('Mid', 'Base', (0,0.5,0)),
        ('Mid2', 'Mid', (0,0.5,0)),
        ('Tip', 'Mid2', (0,1,0))
    straight = createRig('Straight', origin+Vector((0,2,0)), boneTable2)
    # Pose second rig
    poseTable2 = [
        ('Base', 'X', 90),
        ('Mid2', 'Z', 45),
        ('Tip', 'Y', -45)
    poseRig(straight, poseTable2)
    # Pose first rig
    poseTable1 = [
        ('Tip', 'Y', 45),
        ('Mid', 'Y', 45),
        ('Base', 'Y', 45)
    poseRig(bent, poseTable1)
if __name__ == "__main__":

Rigged mesh

This program adds an armature and a mesh. The armature has three bones (Base, Mid, Tip) and constraints:

  1. An IK constraint Mid -> Tip.
  2. A Stretch To constraint Mid -> Tip.
  3. A Copy Rotation constraint Base -> Tip.

The mesh is deformed by the armature. Hence an armature modifier and the corresponding vertex groups are created.

Code Snippets RiggedMesh.png

# File rigged_mesh.py
import bpy, mathutils

def createArmature(origin):
    # Create armature and object
    amt = bpy.data.armatures.new('MyRigData')
    rig = bpy.data.objects.new('MyRig', amt)
    rig.location = origin
    rig.show_x_ray = True
    amt.show_names = True
    # Link object to scene
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    scn.objects.active = rig

    # Create bones
#next two lines by PKHG SVN 36504 W32
#    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
#original does not work??!!    bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode='EDIT')
    base = amt.edit_bones.new('Base')
    base.head = (0,0,0)
    base.tail = (0,0,1)

    mid = amt.edit_bones.new('Mid')
    mid.head = (0,0,1)
    mid.tail = (0,0,2)
    mid.parent = base
    mid.use_connect = True

    tip = amt.edit_bones.new('Tip')
    tip.head = (0,0,2)
    tip.tail = (0,0,3)

    # Bone constraints. Armature must be in pose mode.

    # IK constraint Mid -> Tip
    pMid = rig.pose.bones['Mid']
    cns1 = pMid.constraints.new('IK')
    cns1.name = 'Ik'
    cns1.target = rig
    cns1.subtarget = 'Tip'
    cns1.chain_count = 1

    # StretchTo constraint Mid -> Tip with influence 0.5
    cns2 = pMid.constraints.new('STRETCH_TO')
    cns2.name = 'Stretchy'
    cns2.target = rig
    cns2.subtarget = 'Tip'
    cns2.influence = 0.5
    cns2.keep_axis = 'PLANE_X'
    cns2.volume = 'VOLUME_XZX'

    # Copy rotation constraints Base -> Tip
    pBase = rig.pose.bones['Base']
    cns3 = pBase.constraints.new('COPY_ROTATION')
    cns3.name = 'Copy_Rotation'
    cns3.target = rig
    cns3.subtarget = 'Tip'
    cns3.owner_space = 'WORLD'
    cns3.target_space = 'WORLD'

    return rig

def createMesh(origin):
    # Create mesh and object
    me = bpy.data.meshes.new('Mesh')
    ob = bpy.data.objects.new('MeshObject', me)
    ob.location = origin
    # Link object to scene
    scn = bpy.context.scene
    scn.objects.active = ob

    # List of vertex coordinates
    verts = [
        (0.5, 0.5,0), (0.5,-0.5,0), (-0.5,-0.5,0), (-0.5,0.5,0),
        (0.5,0.5,1), (0.5,-0.5,1), (-0.5,-0.5,1), (-0.5,0.5,1),
        (-0.5,0.5,2), (-0.5,-0.5,2), (0.5,-0.5,2), (0.5,0.5,2),
        (0.5,0.5,3), (0.5,-0.5,3), (-0.5,-0.5,3), (-0.5, 0.5,3)
    # List of faces.
    faces = [
        (0, 1, 2, 3),
        (0, 4, 5, 1),
        (1, 5, 6, 2),
        (2, 6, 7, 3),
        (4, 0, 3, 7),
        (4, 7, 8, 11),
        (7, 6, 9, 8),
        (6, 5, 10, 9),
        (5, 4, 11, 10),
        (10, 11, 12, 13),
        (9, 10, 13, 14),
        (8, 9, 14, 15),
        (11, 8, 15, 12),
        (12, 15, 14, 13)

    # Create mesh from given verts, edges, faces. Either edges or
    # faces should be [], or you ask for problems
    me.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)

    # Update mesh with new data
    return ob

def skinMesh(ob, rig):
    # List of vertex groups, in the form (vertex, weight)
    vgroups = {}
    vgroups['Base'] = [
        (0, 1.0), (1, 1.0), (2, 1.0), (3, 1.0),
        (4, 0.5), (5, 0.5), (6, 0.5), (7, 0.5)]
    vgroups['Mid'] = [
        (4, 0.5), (5, 0.5), (6, 0.5), (7, 0.5),
        (8, 1.0), (9, 1.0), (10, 1.0), (11, 1.0)]
    vgroups['Tip'] = [(12, 1.0), (13, 1.0), (14, 1.0), (15, 1.0)]

    # Create vertex groups, and add verts and weights
    # First arg in assignment is a list, can assign several verts at once
    for name, vgroup in vgroups.items():
        grp = ob.vertex_groups.new(name)
        for (v, w) in vgroup:
            grp.add([v], w, 'REPLACE')

    # Give mesh object an armature modifier, using vertex groups but
    # not envelopes
    mod = ob.modifiers.new('MyRigModif', 'ARMATURE')
    mod.object = rig
    mod.use_bone_envelopes = False
    mod.use_vertex_groups = True

def run(origin):
    rig = createArmature(origin)
    ob = createMesh(origin)
    skinMesh(ob, rig)

    # Move and rotate the tip bone in pose mode
    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = rig
    ptip = rig.pose.bones['Tip']
    ptip.location = (0.2,-0.5,0)
    rotMatrix = mathutils.Matrix.Rotation(0.6, 3, 'X')
    ptip.rotation_quaternion = rotMatrix.to_quaternion()

if __name__ == "__main__":

Edit mode versus pose mode

Bone attributes which affect the rest pose of an armature (head, tail, roll, parent, use connect, etc.) are only available in edit mode (using a bone in ob.data.edit bones), whereas attributes which involve posing require the the armature is in pose mode (using a bone in ob.pose.bones). To my knowledge, the only way to switch between edit and pose mode is with the operator calls


Since operators act on the active object, we must ensure that the right object is active by setting bpy.context.scene.objects.active.

This script copies the roll angles from a source rig (object name 'SrcRig') to a target rig (object name 'TrgRig'). Both armatures must have the same number of bones with identical names. Code Snippets CopyRoll.png

# File copy_roll.py
import bpy

def copyRolls(src, trg):
    rolls = {}

    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = src
    for eb in src.data.edit_bones:
        rolls[eb.name] = eb.roll

    bpy.context.scene.objects.active = trg
    for eb in trg.data.edit_bones:
        oldRoll = eb.roll
        eb.roll = rolls[eb.name]
        print(eb.name, oldRoll, eb.roll)

objects = bpy.context.scene.objects
copyRolls(objects['SrcRig'], objects['TrgRig'])