Dev:Ref/Release Notes/2.57/Bug Fixes

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Blender 2.57: Bug Fixes

  1. [19997] Duplicating window results in graphics corruption in UI
  2. [22535] Dupliframes with keyframe Anim are broken
  3. [24030] Grease Pencil + Driver keys
  4. [24106] Collada import crashes when several <instance_geometry> point to the same url
  5. [24132] Re-Enabling addon that created ID-Property
  6. [24591] Artefacts/strange normal mapping when anti-aliasing is on
  7. [24735] Error at the Normal function.
  8. [24888] COLLADA import crashes blender
  9. [24924] crash-Fluids
  10. [24945] Collada Crashes
  11. [25078] texture and empty
  12. [25103] Weird artefacts in Normal
  13. [25229] Rendered smoke sim is missing smoke on tiles if render window is minimized
  14. [25279] Shift-Numpad Combinations fail to align view to selected
  15. [25326] FCurve rotate gives strange results.
  16. [25382] Loading 3ds file messed up when the file has hierachy
  17. [25422] Content of the User preferences panel is vibrating.
  18. [25427] cloth or soft body crash un Undo *SERIOUS BUG, don't use undo for physics now!* fix is in svn
  19. [25440] Object.vertex_group fixin'
  20. [25457] Lack of update on undoing a lattice rig
  21. [25473] 64bit Windows installer for version 2.56 is not working
  22. [25476] Pan view not always works with shift+alt+LMB in Blender 2.56
  23. [25480] Unable to use Windows titlebar icons after Loopcut
  24. [25488] Game engine crash when try to run after blender app start
  25. [25498] Projection paint clone tool leaves seams
  26. [25505] There is no Auto Texture Space option in Object Data Properties for Mesh Object.
  27. [25506] Hair showing up in places not assigned by a weightmap
  28. [25507] Select Interior faces in edit mode gives python error
  29. [25508] Export to X3D generates error NameError: global name 'creaseAngle' is not defined
  30. [25509] RuntimeError: error getting an rna struct from a collection
  31. [25518] Hidden vertices are deleted when selected via Vertex Group
  32. [25519] particlesystem, type hair, hair dynamics enabled: crash with amount 0
  33. [25520] crash when closing the properties panel in uv/image editor
  34. [25522] Export to X3D is missing ImageTexture and TextureTransform for plane with image texture
  35. [25523] Face extrude will crash Blender if array and subsurf modifier are added to mesh object
  36. [25525] Duplicating (Split)Viewer node in Compositor crashes Blender
  37. [25526] Inmediate crash when changing amount of particles in a particle system
  38. [25528] lack of update and crash using hook modifier.
  39. [25535] proportional editing bug
  40. [25539] Current SVN Scons build crashes on Windows 7
  41. [25542] do not work? "Bind camera to Markers"
  42. [25544] Blender crashes when changing the particles emission amount
  43. [25547] Mesh tools, remove doubles, use of "vertices" where only a single vertex has been removed.
  44. [25551] Blender crash when free-rotating, animating, and capturing keyframes.
  45. [25554] Auti IK don't work with constrains (even if constrain are turned off)
  46. [25557] Sclupt crash
  47. [25570] modify initial properties make copy of the object.
  48. [25572] crash when changing vertex group density in particle mode
  49. [25575] Collada import problem with Maya2010 exported collada files
  50. [25577] Ctrl-Z after adding Color Ramp key resets ramp.
  51. [25578] assigning to multi-dimensional arrays fails
  52. [25580] Soft buffer shadow shows up 'hard' in reflection
  53. [25581] No pressure sensitivity in sculpt mode
  54. [25588] Not work fcurve.keyframe_points.add
  55. [25590] Export to X3D of Text object does not assign material to object in X3D file.
  56. [25594] Adding mesh while in edit mode with multires - crash.
  57. [25595] Adding Torus when in edit mode strange behavior.
  58. [25597] Issue with Grease Pencil and the Sketching Session.
  59. [25599] creation of nodes with Script --> renders all black or dark
  60. [25600] Cannot add meta-object when in edit-mode
  61. [25608] Video Sequence Editor: problem using cut on a strip with a custom proxy file.
  62. [25609] Text Editor: Ctrl+Z error with Word Wrap
  63. [25611] New problem preserving layer visibility on linked and proxified rigs
  64. [25613] Problem with Drag and drop of .blend file vers. 2.49
  65. [25614] spin tool causes f-gons, mean crease, and bevle weights on Mac OSX 10.6.6 64bit
  66. [25615] Massive slowdown since revision 34284, might be with files using lots of linked groups
  67. [25617] HOME Key in fcurve editor doesn't center properly
  68. [25619] Resizing the UI can cause preview picture in sculpt mode to become too large
  69. [25620] Grease Pencil: crash when using Ctrl+Z while drawing.
  70. [25623] Intensity for Voxel data partially linked with brightness.
  71. [25626] Crash on 32bit float UV image painting
  72. [25629] Add torus with autmatic edit mode duplicates mesh after >Aling to View.
  73. [25633] Particles display switching causes crash when Velocity disp. ON
  74. [25635] STL export results in error
  75. [25636] After Ring/Loop selection Vertex Groups list don't appear in Properties panel (Nkey)
  76. [25637] curveguide forcefield(Kink: Braid) + particlesystem cause crash by Null Pointer in some cases
  77. [25640] Cannot edit custom property values in it's popup window
  78. [25641] Vertex-group-related failures
  79. [25642] Export to X3D TextureImage url field is empty
  80. [25648] Incorrect assignment of vertex groups in OBJ importer
  81. [25652] Move layer popup disabled initially
  82. [25654] bug with strand render with particlesystem, render, object with hair
  83. [25655] Crashes with texture node in compositor
  84. [25656] String inputs don't handle long strings well
  85. [25657] [CRASH] Image Paint while using node based material using that texture
  86. [25658] invalid meshes created by python crash blender.
  87. [25659] crash when unwrapping specific mesh (win 64bit, release only)
  88. [25664] Remove Pack does not work in Texture panel
  89. [25667] "X-Axis Mirror" in the Pose Options panel toolbar is misleading (?)
  90. [25671] Network Render freezes/blocks blender
  91. [25674] No Box Select in Dopesheet
  92. [25678] File open does not work when special character in path
  93. [25681] Crash when linking from input NodeSocket to output NodeSocket
  94. [25682]['XXX'].texture_slot.clear(0) dosen't delete texture from screen
  95. [25683] SHIFT R in node editor for texture nodes or material nodes crash blender
  96. [25684] Grease pencil strokes with "Surface" option attach erratically to curves.
  97. [25688] undocumted functions in pyapi
  98. [25691] Lasso select on 3D Text editing segfaults
  99. [25694] Center View (Home Key)
  100. [25696] Netrender feedback fails
  101. [25697] Wrong variable name on line 317 in
  102. [25700] 2.56: Rotation Mode: Quaternion shows wrong orientation of the object
  103. [25705] Crashing doing Bake in Partile System in Particle Mode
  104. [25707] no different Space evaluation (world vs. local) in Constraints
  105. [25710] Nodegroup created by scripts, do not render well
  106. [25712] Deletion of vertex groups under script control causes incorrect reassignment of vertices in other groups
  107. [25713] VSE shows and renders wrong straight alpha gradient even after convert to premul is checked
  108. [25715] [!] key doesn't work on french keyboard with windows XP-Seven
  109. [25720] Material Preview icons are gone
  110. [25721] Unable to delete grease pencil data blocks
  111. [25722] IOR of less than 1.0 is not allowed
  112. [25725] Transform bone constraint & 'local with parent' as owners space
  113. [25732] Incorrect shear matrix in XY plane
  114. [25735] Softbody don't work in linked groups, not generate cache
  115. [25737] Console error message.
  116. [25742] doesn't work with python 3.1
  117. [25743] undo unhide or hide back armature layers
  118. [25744] User Preferences , File Missing text for Autosave
  119. [25748] Addons register parameters/functions more than once
  120. [25750] scene graph(?) bug with Make Links -> Modifiers
  121. [25753] Byte-compile errors in some Python scripts
  122. [25757] Torus script uses radians for rotation in panel
  123. [25761] can't use "move to layer('m' key on 3dview)" on Linked object
  124. [25766] Fluid Particle Bugs
  125. [25767] Addons cannot be upgraded through the UI
  126. [25772] Build fails with OpenCOLLADA r817
  127. [25776] Crash when operator's bl_idname has more than one dot
  128. [25778] Memoryblock Data from SCR: end corrupt
  129. [25781] Bake cache for particles fails at end , ALT + A not
  130. [25784] Crashes when bevel modifier on and start game engine
  131. [25790] Add Mesh Gears Addon Doesn’t Work
  132. [25791] Copy Attributes—Copy Vertex Weights Subfunction—Doesn’t Work
  133. [25792] LWO Importer Won’t Handle Weight Maps
  134. [25797] Hair partcle crash when vertexgroup length enabled
  135. [25799] game crashes if bevel modifier is used.
  136. [25801] Shrinkwrap Offset problems with Project mode.
  137. [25806] VBOs and Textured Solid and Multiple Materials don't work together
  138. [25814] ChildOf constraint: double transformation in object mode with drivers.
  139. [25818] Text Editor holizontal grab inverted
  140. [25823] add track to constraint to parent make wrong translation
  141. [25824] Quats + Camera + Fly = Madness
  142. [25825] Boolean doesn't work in command-line rendering (2.56)
  143. [25826] Normal Maps Not Showing Up
  144. [25831] Sorting channels broken
  145. [25840] Custom frame rate drop down menu closes too easily [from r34489]
  146. [25843] Multiple Scene Strip in Sequencer, bad scrubbing for armatures in viewport
  147. [25846] Strange behaviour if index of render.layers[] is out of range
  148. [25855] Crash with new bumpmapping method / texture space.
  149. [25857] [updated] create_dupli_list incorrect behaviour with particle systems
  150. [25859] Outliner selection problem
  151. [25867] Wrong default option for Bump Methods
  152. [25868] File browser not showing .blend files when listing files, but does show .blendN files.
  153. [25869] Link/Append doesn't work anymore
  154. [25870] Select Linked Flat Faces Tool inconsistency
  155. [25871] crash rendering particle system
  156. [25874] WindowDivider stays behind if adjacent editor is split
  157. [25876] bpy.ops.constraint.childof_set_inverse has no effect
  158. [25878] UV Scale/Rotate/Grab break with non grid snapping.
  159. [25879] Particle Duplication issue with Linked in Objects from Groups.
  160. [25884] Crazy behaviour of the rotate brush
  161. [25885] Auto IK ignores full rotation locks
  162. [25891] UnMaximize view, switches Scene's
  163. [25894] Problems with properties across files
  164. [25899] Renderer can't trace successive total internal reflection
  165. [25902] alt+a over 3D view don't up date dropesheet editor
  166. [25903] Export to X3D should provide relative path with forward slash for subdirectories in url of ImageTexture
  167. [25907] Impossible to "select all" on narrow action editors
  168. [25912] Render bug spot+Halo
  169. [25913] Crash on loading full sample layers when no renderlayer is loaded
  170. [25914] Texture Offset/Scale coords unseen by the renderer
  171. [25919] Export to X3D problems with background sky
  172. [25923] Active area of text editor line numbers too big
  173. [25926] lattice + projection on surface snap issue
  174. [25931] Raytraced AO + strand render leads to weird tiled image
  175. [25932] Video Sequencer: F-curve insertion failure after un-meta
  176. [25933] Drag Dog stroke method uses Jitter if set for other stroke method, but no jitter available.
  177. [25934] "Apply Visual Transform as Pose" not working?
  178. [25937] Problem with childof constraint� ?
  179. [25944] Blender still does not remember image name and path when saving picture
  180. [25945] Refraction Weirdness with smooth/flat shading geometry-dependent
  181. [25947] Smart Project is broken SVN r34664
  182. [25948] does incorrect checking for the number of arguments
  183. [25951] Hardcoded Keys in PoseLib modal operator register twice per use
  184. [25953] Mesh displacement by texture, change in behaviour
  185. [25955] Hair paths under force field influence look jagged
  186. [25957] UI Glitch in Overlap/Flip Window Draw Method
  187. [25963] Show mouse option in wrong Panel
  188. [25965] Auto Render in Node Editor don't work with animation.
  189. [25967] Geometry node "Front/Back" output doesn't work with "Full Oversampling" on
  190. [25968] Crash on changing merge distance in array modifier with edgesplit modifier in chain
  191. [25969] GLSL missing an update on texture slot change
  192. [25970] cannot create scale matrix after mathutils updates
  193. [25973] Bake End Frame Not Configurable
  194. [25975] Quaternion/Vector.negated() isn't available
  195. [25976] Segmentation fault when adding "Edge Split" to Torus
  196. [25977] Torus disappears when adding "Subdivision Surface"
  197. [25986] add mesh Function Surface, Bolt, LandScape, Extras, Gears, Gemstone, Pipe Joints, twisted torus etc are broken
  198. [25987] Duplicated markers naming issue
  199. [25990] backward compatibility with ShapeKey Actions :: 2.49 -> 2.50
  200. [25994] Meshes with no vertices gets NaN location on setting origin to geometry
  201. [25997] Export to X3D reports error TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not scriptable.
  202. [26001] 16/32 bit images stairstepping in bump shader + crash loading file (sometimes)
  203. [26002] Outliner Visible layers + Single object & data = broke conections
  204. [26003] Twice applied modifier with Convert to mesh with several multi-user objects
  205. [26004] compositor: backdrop zoom factor too small
  206. [26009] Menus in Paint & Sculpt Mode draw circle-brush on top
  207. [26012] Import Collada: instance_node incorrectly handled
  208. [26013] Changing armature layers does not work on first attempt
  209. [26014] ChildOf Bone Constrain (influence) works in wrong workspace
  210. [26015] Crash when baking textures
  211. [26021] Adding shortcuts causes crash
  212. [26028] Debian spec cannot byte-compile Python 3 scripts
  213. [26035] Particles + raytrace BVH crash
  214. [26037] Import Collada crashes Blender
  215. [26039] Relative Shapkeys have wrong coordinates after inserting vertices
  216. [26040] Crash converting curve to mesh
  217. [26046] Error: executing
  218. [26047] SytemIcons plugin, vanishes if search is tryed
  219. [26051] "Noise" not working
  220. [26053] Blender Crash with Particules Textures
  221. [26059] select_vertex_path fails when vertices aren't selected 1 by 1 in gui.
  222. [26061] Camera does not appear selected in outliner when it is
  223. [26064] blenderplayer is broken
  224. [26066] Vector mapping angles in Material nodes changed from degrees to radians or just gone berserk?
  225. [26069] "size" parameter for fast gaussian blur node has no effect
  226. [26072] ctrl+LMB on an empty curve make Blender crash
  227. [26074] Open Recent function no longer working correctly
  228. [26077] File name in 'File->open recent' menu gets truncated
  229. [26082] Fkey in a curve witch was empty before
  230. [26083] Animated Particle Textures have no effect
  231. [26085] Right click on rendered image don't shows RGB info
  232. [26087] in a curve, can't make segment if Fkey was pressed 2 times before on a single vertex
  233. [26089] editbone.transfrom() seems to mess up bone roll (by more than float precision error)
  234. [26093] Install Add-On Fails and deletes script
  235. [26094] Going to Bone Roll menu brings up python error
  236. [26096] Children transformations in a hidden layer aren't updated
  237. [26098] python API: quaternion.rotate never seems to work.
  238. [26101] Node button click area broken *needs more info*
  239. [26102] Particle Texture mismapped on Multires (in some modes)
  240. [26103] Disabling texture on halo material: renders OK but interface shows it wrong
  241. [26104] Context Set Boolean op fails [34892]
  242. [26105] Key mapped Rotate equals crash (Windows/MSVC only)
  243. [26106] No instant visual feed back for Dupliframes, parenting problem and crash.
  244. [26111] Timeline Anim Play Issue (UI)
  245. [26112] toggle quad view button don't work properly
  246. [26116] Render Pipeline Raytraced Transparency does not seem to work.
  247. [26117] Recent changes to "mikktspace.c" broke building on FreeBSD. Patch attached.
  248. [26118] Getting 'Error Totblock' when using sub-properties from a PointerProperty
  249. [26120] Particle Grid options available when shouldn't
  250. [26121] Texture slots can't be moved more than one step up or down
  251. [26125] Command line render, absence of CRLF on certain lines
  252. [26126] Transparency panel label issue
  253. [26127] FloatProperty precision limited to 4
  254. [26128] Math Node, power
  255. [26131] Align View to Selected (edit mode) problems
  256. [26133] Explode modifier doesn't care about UVs (Option "split edges")
  257. [26135] Crash when disabling text-antialiasing in user prefs
  258. [26139] Documentation is incorrect
  259. [26140] Text to 3D object (one object & one object per line) has the same shortcut
  260. [26148] Anomaly in bvh import
  261. [26150] crash in the menu of the 3D view, in pose mode, pose, pose library, rename pose
  262. [26152] Blender File for Image too Small
  263. [26156] Opening .blend files through OS ignores "Load UI" flag
  264. [26157] netrender no longer available in engine list
  265. [26158] The layer hight of the layer tool cannot longer be controled by the strength of the brush, as it was in 2.49
  266. [26160] Blender Crashes when undoing
  267. [26163] New Texture selectors don't update Texture preview
  268. [26164] bpy.ops.transform.translate ignores AutoIK mode
  269. [26167] Animating inside group nodes behaves strangely
  270. [26171] Node Groups sockets can't be created through python
  271. [26172] Lattice vertice selection by border selection ( shortcut B ) doesn't update vertice number ( in info header )
  272. [26174] Operator menus cant be assigned shortcut keys
  273. [26175] Two side node material with transparency texture atialiasing problem.
  274. [26185] python error when load factory settings
  275. [26188] Drawing error on multiple window instances
  276. [26190] Changing particle amount crashes
  277. [26195] Rendering to New Window with dupli objects on particles causes crash
  278. [26197] High resolution smoke cache not available due to pointcache update. Please reset the simulation.
  279. [26203] Experimenting with 'firework' F12 crashes Blender SVN 35199
  280. [26205] Crash when duplicating window
  281. [26207] Render.exe mangles paths in mysterious and awesome ways
  282. [26208] Shift key stays pressed in Ctrl+Shift+Alt combination
  283. [26211] Render Result + Image>Invert>All_Functions menu entry in UV editor crashes Blender.
  284. [26212] ParticleSystem.particles issues
  285. [26213] Collada exporter id's not unique
  286. [26218] texture paint
  287. [26220] Patch to allow lit and textured shapes for X3D exporter in SVN
  288. [26221] Color item of texture nodes don't work.
  289. [26222] Alt-O (smooth) in Graph editor destroys fcurve handle type and data
  290. [26226] Scopes panel shortcut (P) not working (it's the same as Pinning)
  291. [26227] "Sequence must have 2 items total, not -2"
  292. [26231] Blend from Shape (add as default?)
  293. [26236] The Weight Paint curve editior becomes unpredictable when undoing
  294. [26237] Game Logic, Drawing links flickers (uses freed memory)
  295. [26243] Blend from Shape (add-option, not completly done #26231)
  296. [26244] FBX "Enable Batch" checked option on export throws error and wont export selected objects
  297. [26246] FBX "Group > File" option not exporting separate FBX files for each group
  298. [26248] Error loading makehuman import script
  299. [26249] Sculpt mode button stays pressed
  300. [26251] Little bug in BGE logic GUI
  301. [26252] Py error when installing addon through UI
  302. [26254] Rendering problem with group-instances of particle-instances
  303. [26257] Colored UV-Map on export
  304. [26261] Blend from Shape (problem found, #26243 #26231)
  305. [26267] Seg Fault using Node Textures to Texture Paint when Using Fixed Texture
  306. [26269] Initiating a duplication with shift D and cancelling in dope sheet/ graph editor leads to duplicated keys
  307. [26270] Bad drawn Scale/Rotate widget when functions initiated from ToolShelf buttons.
  308. [26271] Crash when accessing
  309. [26273] mirror mod. + armature mod. + rotated armature == wrong reference axis for moving verts (when mirror comes first)
  310. [26307] Crash when selecting image pack button
  311. [26310] "Randomize Transform" operator has widgets jumbled
  312. [26312] Wrong text in a button in the Stretch to constraint
  313. [26315] Background and 3D view mistakes
  314. [26317] Initiating a duplication with shift D and undo in dope sheet/ graph editor leads to duplicated keys
  315. [26322] x-mirror gives wrong results while editing hair particles
  316. [26323] Crash when adding to a vertex group with a raw int
  317. [26324] proportional editing and armature applied to editing cage during edit mode works strangely
  318. [26328] Blender uses global keyboard message hook which hurts system responsiveness on Windows
  319. [26367] Compositor shows no feedback/update when adding or adjusting nodes
  320. [26368] Solidify breaks EdgeCrease
  321. [26372] Objects as PS Hair displays and renders differently
  322. [26375] r35367 of the osx libs compiles, but doesnt run on osx 10.6.6 intel 64-bit
  323. [26385] operator edit_properties return error
  324. [26388] Different Colors (Nodes-Preview, Material-Preview, 3DView, Render Result)
  325. [26389] Outliner: Click in switch visibility column affects datablocks underneath
  326. [26394] Unable to delete time marker under special conditions
  327. [26397] Console error when selecting certain entries in the Help Menu (Report a Bug)
  328. [26404] UnicodeDecodeError
  329. [26406] Projection Paint, Occlussion Problem with Intersections in perspective mode.
  330. [26408] [texture paint] brush spacing
  331. [26420] F-Curve key handles affected by NLA strip position
  332. [26424] Swap render slots ("J" key) shouldn't be included in Undo-Redo steps
  333. [26431] 64-Bit Windows 'Save As Runtime' doesn't work
  334. [26432] Ctrl+Z empties render slots other than current one
  335. [26436] Operator.draw(): UI redraw; UI trimmed
  336. [26437] UI value mouse-drag
  337. [26438] 3 VSE/marker annoyances compared to 2.4x
  338. [26440] Keybindings do not work correctly
  339. [26441] Child Hair Crash
  340. [26442] blender crash when turning off antialiasing fonts
  341. [26443] Reproducible Composite Node Crash *needs more info*
  342. [26444] File browser and double click problem
  343. [26446] Quick extrude (Ctrl+LMB) works only one time
  344. [26448] Solidify Modifier makes mesh texture missing in OpenGL render
  345. [26450] Composite Node Crash (This time the viewer)
  346. [26451] Little problem when selecting relative output path
  347. [26452] Problem with key properties when OnlySelectedCurveKeyframes option enabled.
  348. [26454] WITH_PYTHON_SAFETY crash.
  349. [26456] weightpaint mode with armature modifier, armature mode
  350. [26457] Physics Size attribute affects hair particle DupliObjects while hidden
  351. [26462] material change resets after layer change
  352. [26474] double_sided wrong in Collada Export
  353. [26475] <instance_material> wrong in Collada export.
  354. [26476] <specular> and <shininess> missing from COLLADA
  355. [26478] New image extension is appended to the old one instead of replacing it
  356. [26481] Export to X3D of IndexedFaceSet should use X3D 's DEF USE mechanism
  357. [26482] Solidify / Animation Opengl render. no texture.
  358. [26483] Texture preview menu draws over search entry field
  359. [26484] delete keyframe in pose mode --> segmentation fault
  360. [26489] Auto completion in console broken
  361. [26493] Particle system animates incorrectly when emitting mesh is parented
  362. [26494] Auto run Python scripts option in User Preferences problem
  363. [26498] Duplivert lamps Link Object Data causes crash
  364. [26501] Custom gui Checkboxes crash only in Linux 64 (32?)
  365. [26502] segmentationfault on pressing button to browse existing images for UV window
  366. [26503] Copy Mirrored UV coords exception
  367. [26504] Deselection of vertices not working in UVs editor
  368. [26505] zoom in selected keys on graph editor
  369. [26507] Rename bone -> segfault
  370. [26510] Crash when changing an object's property value
  371. [26512] Black dots on materials with glossy<1
  372. [26516] Blender crashes for Particle Physics Path Editing.
  373. [26520] Point Density turbulence not accessible in Texture Properties.
  374. [26522] Api autocomplete return many errors
  375. [26523] Crash when load factory settings ( linked to rigify add-on ? )
  376. [26524] Api autocomplete more errors
  377. [26527] Export-import OBJ, materials "tracaeble" unchecked
  378. [26532] Does not save in specified format
  379. [26533] Audio strip mute after copy/paste
  380. [26543] Linear light and Soft light blend modes are missing from Lamp > Sky and Atmosphere panel
  381. [26545] Crash when changing values for properties after changing max-min
  382. [26546] Particles leak through deforming quad mesh
  383. [26547] contraints to - or childs of - camera don't update on [ctrl]+[alt]+[num 0]
  384. [26549] Environment Map User Counts increase on interface and render use
  385. [26551] Disappearing effect of Shrinkwrap modifier
  386. [26555] SVG Import (stars wrong scale)
  387. [26556] SVG Import fails to parse Inkscape file.
  388. [26557] Dots near alpha borders on textures
  389. [26562] Release of right button
  390. [26571] Slowness of Approximate Indirect Illumination
  391. [26572] Rendering Meshes sometimes causes Seg Fault
  392. [26573] Disappearing effect of Shrinkwrap modifier when loading blend file
  393. [26574] Disappearing effect of Shrinkwrap modifier when move some object to another layer
  394. [26577] Traceback error on 3ds import
  395. [26578] Warp Texture, will not work with Best Qualty of Default Bump Methods. And the Methods are grey out that do work.
  396. [26580] Rekey deselects active verts
  397. [26582] solidifier modifier doesn't seem to work on cubes correctly.
  398. [26584] Vector Blur issues with EXR files and colour management
  399. [26586] Smooth Shading wrong when initially set then it fixes it self when tabbing in and out of edit mode.
  400. [26588] In render view, Blender crashes when collapsing an opened split render pane if you have the histogram tab open in the pane your collapsing.
  401. [26591] File browser: select multiple files for Library append/link broken
  402. [26598] zoom view and scaling odd vertices circle
  403. [26600] TexturedSolid + Curve: Specular affecting other materials
  404. [26610] Pressing the ENTER key while editing a Text Object crashes Blender.
  405. [26611] Shapekeys drivers get disconnected when opening blend file
  406. [26613] Subdivide Smooth doesn't work
  407. [26616] Line of code make Blender crash
  408. [26617] convert hair particles to mesh crash rev:35787
  409. [26622] Blender crashes when calling transform operator
  410. [26623] script/console windows: BACKSPACE does not work when SHIFT is held
  411. [26628] "FCurve/Driver Version Fix" Incorrectly Clobbers Array Indexing
  412. [26631] relative blur decimal value from 2.49 is not correctly converted to percentage value in 2.5
  413. [26637] Wrong vertex normals with negative scale
  414. [26641] Texture Quick Edit kicks up error when Editor can't be found
  415. [26643] [obj export] mp_bump in .mtl file
  416. [26645] Crash when duplicating an object with driver
  417. [26646] Hair particle density texture prevents strand render on linked assets
  418. [26650] Reset to Default Theme doesn't reset Bone Color Sets
  419. [26651] Crash after running an operator in a maximized editor.
  420. [26652] "Audio Muted" in Time Line Editor is not working
  421. [26653] Changed DPI setting in user preferences is not saved as default for new sessions
  422. [26654] Selection in UV editor then tweaking in 3d ToolShelf operator panel causes crash.
  423. [26656] video sequence editor rendering stops at frame 9999
  424. [26657] Smart UV Project missing from Unwrap menu in 3D Viewport
  425. [26658] Permeable colliders stop particles
  426. [26664] Some particle panels disappear when pinned
  427. [26665] Force field absorption does not work
  428. [26666] Snapping the cursor to selected in UV Image Editor when unwrapping causes an assert.
  429. [26667] Can't import scripts when using blenderplayer
  430. [26670] Shading bug
  431. [26672] Align to view not deselectable with Add Camera
  432. [26673] Render Bumpmapping regression
  433. [26674] Inconsistency in snapping CursorToSelection between UV_Editor and 3d_View.
  434. [26677] 2.56.5-r35816 - MISSING ADDONS
  435. [26682] Accessing weight sometimes crashes blender
  436. [26685] Cannot exit from "edit mode"
  437. [26687] Changing a setting to newly created object change active scene.
  438. [26691] Reset to Default Theme doesn't reset all settings
  439. [26694] Quick effects problems: Make Smoke/Fluid on a flat object creates flat domain. On a subdivided mesh create no domain.
  440. [26695] Two fail cases with modifiers targeting linked assets
  441. [26698] Fluid Simulator broken
  442. [26699] Abort on frame-change
  443. [26703] Strange interaction between Solidify modifier and the shade Smooth / Flat command
  444. [26713] Video Sequencer: Audio mute after making meta strip copy/paste
  445. [26714] Render menu addons do not show up in the render menu when enabled.
  446. [26717] X-Ray conflict (X-Ray Grease Pencil and Object X-Ray)
  447. [26731] fullscreen window change
  448. [26732] Colorband bug with compositing.
  449. [26736] After adding new image, redo operator problem.
  450. [26741] Blender i686 doesn't launch when I have saved a personnal parametter on x64 OS.
  451. [26742] New Release Candidate - User Preferences not working properly
  452. [26747] Crash accessing dynamic hair RNA
  453. [26748] Boolean modifier can't select extruded text as target
  454. [26750] Particles Can Only Address first 16 Material Indexes
  455. [26751] installing addon to custom script directory doesn't work
  456. [26754] Live Edit and Editing UI scripts don't work
  457. [26756] "Release confirms" breaks marker functionality in Timeline
  458. [26757] Python console: help() doesn't work anymore
  459. [26758] VectorFont crashes Blender 2.5.6 r35739 API
  460. [26760] Crash on voxel data image sequence file datablock unlink
  461. [26761] texture number of users increases +1 when material preview render active
  462. [26765] seperate selection removes all seams from the new /seperated object.
  463. [26767] 2.57 RC1 r35899 issues with point density texture
  464. [26768] 2.57 - sys.path not initialized properly
  465. [26772] Delta Scaling, Rotation and Location keying not available from GUI.
  466. [26773] Clip-end set on 5000 by default
  467. [26774] Grease Pencil error?
  468. [26781] Assigning multiple Materials to Text seems not to work correctly
  469. [26782] Missing settings in some texture nodes.
  470. [26792] blender crash when scaling action strip in NLA
  471. [26793] Is the Convert function of Grease Pencil normal?
  472. [26798] Boolean op stack overflow
  473. [26800] Particle Render "Use Group Count" is shared between different Particle Settings datablocks
  474. [26801] Undoing Animation modifiers undoes 2 steps.
  475. [26803] Libs paths are case sensitive in windows
  476. [26806] Missing pack margin for pack islands in UV editor
  477. [26812] Animation rendering stopped when keyframe changed
  478. [26816] P(separate) an object messes up logic brick links
  479. [26827] Blender Crashes when it opens corrupt jpeg
  480. [26830] Blender crashes when opening this file
  481. [26842] Problems rendering multiple scenes composed with defocus nodes
  482. [26848] Keyed Particles seems to be broken
  483. [26854] UV issues
  484. [26856] Can't change target object in modifier by Ctrl+V
  485. [26857] Make Single User crash
  486. [26860] In "UV/Image Editor": Snapping a pinned vertex to the cursor in "Live Unwrap" mode doesn't update the other unpinned vertices
  487. [26877] Blender crashes with file created with RC2 (multiple windows?)
  488. [26879] Some sculpt brushes does not work when sculpting corrective shapekeys
  489. [26885] transform option disapears when deselecting loops
  490. [26888] 3D viewport shading broken after solidify modifier
  491. [26895] STL import in Win 7 64bit </shininess></specular></instance_material></instance_geometry>