Dev:Source/Development/Todo/Regression Tests

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2015年12月28日 (月) 04:11時点におけるwiki>Brechtによる版 (moved Dev:2.5/Source/Development/Todo/Regression Tests to Dev:Source/Development/Todo/Regression Tests)
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Some regressions files need fixing or updating:

  • tests/rendering/only_shadow_material.blend didn't match the packed image, but i just assumed that the texture was missing. looking at the image editor, it seems that 07.BMP.tga file is blank now

From Marc

  • compositing/zmask_compo.blend : wrong layer ordering
  • particles_and_hair/particles_dupligroups.blend : differences between 2.60 and rev45973
  • particles_and_hair/softhairtest.blend : no proper hair animation
  • physics/continue_physics.blend : no continuous physics
  • rendering/only_shadow_material.blend : the rusty texture does not appear
  • ui_tests/allselect.blend : crash when selecting the second item from the left.

From troubled

  • animation/timeline.blend:
- file is fine itself, but noticed that multiple markers "raise" when

in close proximity to the current frame. Problem being that if you have a large number in a small area and the time line is zoomed out, you get a blur of text for the marker names as seen in the following pics:  and
  • compositing/zmask_compo.blend:
- The zmask seems to be fine, but something changed with the grass

particles; it lost its curves and is straight up/taller than it shows in the shipped render result
  • gameengine_bullet_softbody/webskategirl_bullet.blend:
- Needs an svn up back to previous version, was accidentally

overwritten with previous file torus_complex.blend

  • gameengine_logic/actuators/property1.blend:
- TODO: Should probably start in game engine render mode, and have

debug properties enabled to verify the numbers work as expected, otherwise works fine

  • gameengine_logic/actuators/property2.blend
- TODO: Investigate why doors don't do anything


- Sound doesn't coincide with impacts, and possibly a click/stutter

that cuts off one of the sounds as well (OpenAL)

  • gameengine_physics/2Dexample.blend:
- Game seems to work (cept periodic stutter), but has some console errors:
                Python script error - object 'Cube', controller 'cont4':
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                       File "Main", line 7, in <module>
                NameError: name 'GameLogic' is not defined
  • gameengine_physics/genericConstraintSpringLimitMotor.blend:
- Seems to run, but has some console errors:
                Python script error - object 'CubeChild.002', controller 'cont':
                Traceback (most recent call last):
                       File "rotationalMotor", line 17, in <module>
                AttributeError: 'SCA_PythonController' object has no attribute 'getOwner'
  • gameengine_visual/screenspace.blend:
- Doesn't seem to do anything anymore, assume out of date py script

[Skipping all io_tests]

  • modifier_stack/array3.blend:
- _horrible_ 5fps frame rate now, even in wireframe mode (use to run

beautifully, pre bmesh or so), but runs great if I disable the second array

- console error on render: node_composit_exec_viewer error
  • paint/lockingTest.blend:
- Runs just fine, but noticed an insane amount of console printf's to

inform me of locking (one line per brush stroke increment or so)

  • particles_and_hair/particle_dupligroups.blend:
- Seems to render fine, but a bunch of console errors (5 in total,

and 5 objects missing in render, smells like it's related to cookie challange!):

                Dependency cycle detected:
                       Mball depends on Cube.014 through Particle Object Visualisation.
                       Cube.014 depends on Mball through Particle Object Visualisation.
  • particles_and_hair/softhairtest.blend:
- Something broke hair, doesn't seem to sway like it used to any more
  • physics/softbodytest.blend:
- Seems to run fine, but file should be fixed later:
                Sphere depends on Sphere.001 through Field Collision.
                Sphere.001 depends on Sphere through Field Collision.
  • rendering/cycles/bmps.blend:
- Seems fine, but some console cyclic errors that someone may want to

double check:

                cyclic OBCamera.001
                cyclic OBCircle.001
                cyclic OBCircle
                cyclic OBLightBackBig.001
                cyclic OBLightPlaneBig.001
  • ui_tests/space_headers.blend:
- Console errors:
                /d/blender_dev/code/lib/tests/ui_tests/: No such file or directory
  • ui_tests/space_types.blend:
- Console error when switching to "File Browser" screen in linux:
                /c/: No such file or directory