「Doc:2.6/Manual/Constraints/Motion Tracking/Follow Track」の版間の差分

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(Follow Track Constraint)
(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 06:10時点における最新版

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Partial page
Proposed fixes: none

Follow Track Constraint

This constraint is applied to a camera in the scene. Its constraints Blender camera movements according tracked and solved camera movement by some path in a real filmed movie clip.

Follow Track panel


Active Clip
Use active clip defined in scene
3D Position
Use 3D position of track to parent to
Parent to undistorted position of 2D track
Fit method footage in frame
How the footage fits in the camera frame
Camera to which motion is parented (if empty active scene camera is used)
Depth Object
Object used to define depth in camera space by projecting onto surface of this object
Constraint to F-Curve
Create F-Curves for object which will copy object’s movement caused by this constraint
Amount of influence constraint will have on the final solution