Doc:2.6/Manual/Game Engine/Physics/World

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World Properties, Physics Subpanel

The settings for overall Game Engine physics are located in the World Properties under the Physics Subpanel.

Each object will have its own properties, and the details about those can be found on the main Physics page.


Physics Engine
Set the type of physics engine to use. Before Bullet became the dominant engine, there was another alternative. Now all you can do is leave it on or turn it off by setting the engine to None.
The gravitational acceleration, in units of Blender Units per squared second (BU/s-2), of this world. Range: 0-10000.
Physics Steps
Sets the maximum number of physics steps per game frame if graphics slow down the game, higher value allows physics to keep up with realtime. Range: 1-5.
Sets the number of simulation substeps per physics timestep. Higher value give better physics precision, perhaps at a cost of framerate. You can see an example at the Soft Body page. If you are concerned about the setting's impact on performance, you can turn on the profile information. Range: 1-5.
Set the nominal number of game frames per second. Physics fixed timestep = 1/fps, independently of actual frame rate. If you set this very low you can see that the physics calculations are done correctly, and that it is only the display updates that are affected. Range: 1-250.
Logic Steps Max
Sets the maximum number of logic frame per game frame if graphics slows down the game, higher value allows better synchronization with physics. Range: 1-
Occlusion Culling
Use optimized Bullet Dynamic Volume Bounding Tree for View Frustum (only render what the camera sees) and Occluder culling.
The size of the occlusion buffer in pixels, use higher value for better precision (slower). Range: 128-1024.