「Extensions:2.6/Py/Scripts/3D interaction/bprojection」の版間の差分

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(1版 をインポートしました)

2018年6月29日 (金) 05:48時点における最新版

Bring a plane in the 3D view who have an image texture, it's a help for clone brush.
UI location Texture Paint mode -> 3D View -> Properties Shelf -> BProjection
Usage Go into texture paint mode and look for BProjection in the Propperties Shelf(N).
  • BProjection: This addon can show a plane with an image in the 3Dview,you can rotate, pan or zoom the 3Dview, the plan will be alway in the same location and alway faced to the 3Dview. It's very usefull to clone a texture on a mesh.
Version 1.0 Author(s) Krantz Geoffroy (kgeogeo)
Blender 2.63 r45962 License GPL
Category Paint Distribution Contrib

Executable information
File name BProjection.py
Current version download https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-extensions/contrib/py/scripts/addons/space_view3d_paint_bprojection.py
Python modules bpy, bpy_extras

Links http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?248870-BProjection
Known Issues Some minor issues
  • Not all numpad short cut work (2,4,6,8,9).
  • Work slower with many subsurf or many faces. So you can duplicate the mesh, apply subsurf and paint on the copy.It improve really the speed. And it give also better result with the new UV tools Subsurf-aware unwrapping.
  • It's possible that the image is turn 90°. press "remove BProjection plan" and press again "Add BProjection plan" I don't know why but it's work


  • Download the script then copy it into your \\.blender\scripts\addons folder (not needed if you have recent Blender svn version)
  • Open Blender and go to the addons tab in User Preferences >> Addons >> Paint (with recent svn active testing)
  • Enable the script
  • Work very fine with Texture paint layers addon.




How Use: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJgNCxtgSb4

Bump map. Can be used with multires and displace modifier for sulpting detail.


You have to:

  • have a blender version above 2.64
  • active the addon
  • apply mirror modifier(not crash but tow planes appear).
  • apply rotation, scale
  • prepare your mesh(UVunwarp, have a color texture).
  • go in texture mode
  • to use alpha option you have to be in GLSL shading

Shortcut: key press

  • key:
    • R + mouse move for rotation
    • S + mouse move for scale
    • G + mouse move for tanslation
    • U + mouse move for scale the UV's
    • Y + mouse move for move the UV's
    • C for clear all

Intuitive Scale short cut:

  • if link:
  • Shift + mouse left (or rigth) 4 time to scale the plane to the reference.
  • Exemple:
    • point 1: left eye on the mesh
    • point 2: right eye on the mesh
    • point 3: left eye on the plane
    • point 4: right eye on the plane
    • and it scale the plane in the proportion of the mesh
  • if unlink:
  • Shift + mouse left (or rigth) 6 time to scale the plane to the reference.
  • Exemple:
    • point 1: left eye on the mesh
    • point 2: right eye on the mesh
    • point 3: top of the mouth on the mesh
    • point 4: left eye on the plane
    • point 5: right eye on the plane
    • point 6: top of the mouth on the plane
    • and it scale the plane in the proportion of the mesh