テンプレート:Release Notes/2.41/Python/Import-Export

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2018年6月29日 (金) 02:46時点におけるYamyam (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (1版 をインポートしました)
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Added Importers and Exporters

ply import and export

added ply import and export, extensively tested on files from


they give correct results for both import and export, however they could use some speed optimization for large mesh Bruce Merry

xfig export

added xfig exporter by Dino Ghilardi

openflight import and export

  • Added openflight import/export- Blight v1.2
  • removed slow list handeling
  • faster vert comparisons
  • replaced spaces for tabs
  • removed unneeded getData() calls
  • general cleanup

Updated Importers and Exporters

obj import update

Fixed bug in importing OBJ files with negative indicies (UV and VERTS, normals are ignored) Have alredy tested 100's of obj files and cant believe this is the first I have found with negative coords.
May want to support sequence import.

OBJ import dialog

Added user interface to OBJ import. With options...

  • Material (*.mtl) - Imports material settings and images from the obj's .mtl file.
  • All *.obj's in dir - Import all obj files in this dir (avoid overlapping data with "Create scene")
  • Create scene - Imports each obj into its own scene, named from the file.
  • Edges - Import faces with 2 verts as an edge.
  • Smooths all faces - Smooth all faces even if they are not in a smoothing group.

obj export update

obj export dialog

Mesh options...

  • Apply Modifiers - Use transformed mesh data from each object. (May break vert order for morph targets.)
  • Triangulate - Triangulate quads (Depends on "Apply Modifiers")
  • Edges - Edges not connected to faces.
  • Normals - Export vertex normal data (Ignored on import).
  • UVs - Export texface UV coords.
  • Materials - Write a seperate MTL file with the OBJ.


  • Selection Only - Only export objects in visible selection. Else export whole scene.
  • All Scenes - Each scene as a seperate OBJ file.
  • Animation - Each frame as a numbered OBJ file.
  • Copy Images - Copy image files to the export directory, never everwrite.


  • Objects - Export blender objects as OBJ objects.
  • Object Groups - Export blender objects as OBJ groups.
  • Material Groups - Group by materials.

BVH Import

Added popup options

  • Scale - Scale the BVH, Use 0.01 when 1.0 is 1 metre.
  • Prefix - Prefix all obnames to avoid naming collisions.
  • StartFrame - Frame to start BVH motion.

bvh to armature

Updated bvh to armatures script by Jean-Baptiste Perin (thanks).

vrml and x3d

Slight updates and cleanups to vrml97 and x3d exporter,the ability to do gzip compression has been added.The redundant vrml exporter has been removed. Thanks Bart.

Changed the URL to be the Image filename sans path, not the image name. Speed up intentation writing a bit.. Many more changes need to be applied here...

Collada update

updated version of collada importer

This version includes animation export of underformable objects though IPO channels. It can export animation of transforms and materials. The baked transform options outputs baked transforms for each frame beginning with the lowest transformation frame to the highest frame number for any transformation channel. The animation exporter calculates time values according to the frame number of each key-frame (Bezier-point) depending on the FPS value found in the Scene-Anim settings (defaults to 25).

This version also fixes the texture import on the importer and issues a warning if the texture could not be loaded and continues to load the document in any case.

Thanks to Mikael Lagré for the superb update