利用者:Kazanbas/Cross-compiling Blender 2.5 on Linux

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Cross-compiling Blender 2.5 on Linux

This document briefly describes how to build Blender 2.5 on Linux.

Get MinGW on Linux

MinGW (pronounced /ming'wi:/). If your linux distro has apt-get, then you can install MinGW with:

apt-get install mingw32

or build MinGW from sources.

Get MinGW libs

Get all necessary MinGW libs from https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/trunk/lib/windows/

Modify MinGW's libstdc++.a

Build may fail when linking with the following error:

...libstdc++.a(stubs.o):(.text+0x160): multiple definition of `_powf'...

This is a known problem. The workaround is to remove stubs.o from libstdc++.a like so:

# cd to your mingw lib directory and:
i586-mingw32msvc-ar -d libstdc++.a stubs.o

Ideally this problem should be solved by re-compiling MinGW with appropriate configuration options. This needs good autoconf/automake knowledge which I don't possess :)

Build Blender

scons BF_CROSS=1