テンプレート:Release Notes/2.49/Game Engine/BugFixes
Other Bug Fixes
There are many minor bugs that where fixed since 2.48a, this list shows bugs users might have noticed.
- KX_Scene's culling algorithm didn't use the correct camera.
- logicBrick.getExecutePriority was crashing because of a typo
- Fixed crash python api CListValue.index(val) and CListValue.count(val) when the pyTypes could not be converted into a CValue.
- Fixed crash when the replace mesh actuator references a mesh that has no object in the current scene.
- Physics debug visualization now works with overlay scenes
- KX_GameObject SetParent - Disallowed setting a parent to its self, caused a recursion crash.
- KX_PolygonMaterial's "gl_texture" attribute wasnt checking for a valid m_tface
- KX_RayCast::RayTest - didnt check for a valid physics_environment and would crash
- KX_SceneActuator's getCamera python function wasnt checking if there was a camera.
- key logging never worked for alphanum keys -=_+ and |\
- the End key didn't work work at all for the keyboard sensor.
- Adding new lights wasnt setting the light layer from the parent
- refcounting bugfix, gameOb.getParent() and gameOb.parent both added a reference when they should not have.
- Random sensor will produce true random sequence of events when seed is set to 0 in the GUI.
- Multiple hats didnt work, Allow up to 4 hats (was 2).
- Kinematic object were not giving the correct friction to dynamic object when they have a translation and rotation movement at the same time (translation is ignored).
- Software OpenGL crashed on some systems when starting the BGE (SDL related).
- When a dynamic object is parented to a compound shape and then unparented, it jumps at the position it had before the parenting.
- Fix Near/Radar position error on newly activated objects, causing several detection problems in YoFrankie
- Disable force/velocity actions on static objects
- Fix margin not passed correctly to gImpact shape.
- Methods didn't check for zombies which could crash in the case where a method for an object is kept.
- missing NULL check for scene crashed blender when it failed to load a file.
- relative path variable wasnt updated when loading new files.
- lamp energy IPO was not supported in glsl mode.
- 'No Sleeping' option rigid body objects.
Reported bugs fixed
- [#18175] error on anaglyph view of a splitted viewport.
- [#18228] Specular changing when camera rotates (it's using infinite viewpoint instead of local)
- [#17974] two small fix for blender 2.48 (memory leak and uninitalized vars)
- [#18419] Bad drawing of alpha blended faces in overlay scenes
- [#18423] Lights in overlay scenes get merged with the original scene when the mode is not GLSL
- [#18428] GLSL mode is using lights in hidden layers to generate shadow
- [#18154] 2dFilter and motion blur should run only once to all the scenes
- [#18504] The GL_PROJECTION matrix is being reset by the 2dfilter.
- [#18504] Dupligroup offsets don't work in BGE.
- [#18168] Get local orientation of object using game engine python script system.
- [#18521] Dupligroups + Bullet Softbodies are broken.
- [#17678] "Mouse over" sensor broken when using viewports.
- [#17670] Python controlled mist doesnt work in textured mode.
- [#17863] Shaky game camera.
- [#17950] crash when GE softbody is parented to a rigid body/soft body/dynamic object.
- [#18496] Partial fix for the issue with light state switching when using Dome.
- [#18606] Writing to KX_GameObject.orientation causes crash
- [#18616] Scons+MinGW compiling error with gaming engine enabled.
- [#18681] Mousesensor Over doesn't work in ortho mode of 3dview camera
- [#18749] Crash on joysticksensor.getAxisValue()
- [#18819] save and load globalDictionary actuators don't load the proper files in 2.49 RC3
- [#18840] Joystick sensor lag
- [#18624] Collision detection fails on parented objects. (partial fix).
- [#17796] Glsl + bones + set smooth = bug on vertext groups.
- [#18091] Hitbox of object X doesn't move along when object X is parented to object Y.
- [#18596] No ipo dynamics in 2.49rc1.
- [#18732] Python Light options don't work with GLSL materials.
- [#18665] Servo control and relative motion
- [#18762] Incompatibility between the soft body deformer and other types of deformer was causing the soft body to disappear in the game.
- [#18664] Incorrect behavior for objects when unparented. A parented object is made static in all cases.