利用者:DingTo/GSoC 2013/Weekly Reports/Week2

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Week 2

What I did this week

  • I continued work on the Vector Transform node, adding the initial Cycles implementation. It only works in the OSL backend for now, SVM implementation is still missing. See my questions below.
  • Outside of my GSoC work, I spend some time on trunk and preparations for the upcoming release (Update OSL to 1.3.2 on Windows, fix some bugs, going over tracker to confirm/close reports...)
  • Apart from that, I focused on exam preparation this week.

Next week

I have an exam on Wednesday, so I will focus on that for half of the week. I hope to finish the Vector Transform node by the end of next week though, then I would be finished with the nodes part.


I am not sure about the Vector Transform SVM implementation yet. The Cycles todo list mentions, that those matrices are available but I couldn't identify the correct ones yet. In the KernelCamera struct there are some Transform data types, like cameratoworld, also the Camera struct in /render has some. I figure that in SVM it's not a simple function call to convert to/from, but I have to use those transform types. Some hints on that would be appreciated.