利用者:Gaia.clary/Custom Templates

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

I often get asked how to work with different project template pages. Of course the user can store .blend file templates into a separate read only folder and create new projects by opening the best matching blend file template. Or use link/append

However maybe it is just a much easier and more intuitive approach to let Blender do part of the organisation by adding a "new from template" option in the main menu:

new -> ...

Where the user can either click on "new" to get the blender default scene, or navigate down to an entry in the list to get a scene template. Blender might provide example scenes for quick start like:

  • a rigged low poly character
  • a hair wig
  • a nature scene (grass, mountains)
  • ...

This list should not be long (really just 2 or 3 examples) but all entries should be "ready to render" so (new) users can get positive results out of the box.

More important:

  • Users should be able to add their own scene templates here.

This could be a new option in the user preferences :
"Save as template ..."

  • Addons should be able to register their own templates here.