テンプレート:Release Notes/2.43/Render/Passes

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See http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Render_Passes.829.0.html.


Media:Passes_idmask_mapuv.blend - This file demonstrates how to use render passes with UV Mask node to alter specific objects of the rendered scene. Also use of Map UV node is covered.

Media:Renderlayer_lightgroup.blend - This file demonstrates the use of render layers and light groups to control the lighting of the scene in post production.

Media:Tidy_cornelius_passes.blend - This is just a tidying up of the nodes in the Cornelius monkey example that is already on the Blender.org page for ease of "reading." Tidy cornelius passes small.jpg (500px version) Tidy cornelius passes.jpg

Further Information