テンプレート:Release Notes/2.46/Mesh/Editing

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Custom Properties for Mesh entities

In order to give import/export script authors the ability to add properties to inidividual faces, vertices and edges in the same manner as they are able to do with ID structures three new custom data types have been added to blender for floats, integers and strings.

Things to note:

  • Since property Layers are custom data, they are added to all verts, edges or faces at once.
  • Only one property layer for each unique property name may exist. In other words, you cannot have a float layer as well as an integer layer both with the same name.
  • No user interface for this exists at the moment.

The following methods and attributes have been added to the Blender.Mesh Python module and it's object types:

  • MVert/Edge/FaceSeq:
    • addPropertyLayer(name, type)
    • removePropertyLayer(name)
    • renamePropertyLayer(original name, new name)
    • properties(readonly list.)
  • MVert/Edge/Face
    • getProperty(name)
    • setProperty(name, value)
  • Mesh module
    • PropertyTypes (readonly dictionary)

Updated FLT scripts

Blender FLT I/O scripts have been updated to have more features.In addition several utility scripts/applets have been added to aid in working with FLT databases within Blender.

Documentation can be found here:

http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Import/openflight_flt http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/Export/openflight_flt http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Scripts/Manual/FLTools