テンプレート:Release Notes/2.46/Physics/Particles

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  • Children between parents are weighted a bit better so removed the "N" variable. As a result old blends using child particles may not load correctly. If this happens open the blend with an old build, disable children, save and then load in the new build. This should hopefully allow load without crashing.
  • "Between faces children" can spread over faces for fine control of hair edges on surface
  • "Between faces children" can use seams of the emitter's edges to define what parents are used for what children --> parting of hair! (if edge groups are implemented this should be changed to be a user definable edge group instead of using the seam flag)
  • Boids are affected by spherical effector particles (time for some hunters vs. prey!)
  • Boids are affected by wind effectors (they create an actual air speed around the boids)
  • Boids are affected by curve effectors (creates a boid dependent moving goal, with "min size" parameter as the strength of the goal)
  • Billboards can be aligned to particle velocity
  • Billboards assign default uv channel to only the normal billboard uv channel (time-index and split uvs need to be set separately to be used)
  • Added gpl headers to files
  • Endian switches to bakeable system loading
  • Removed "apply" button from particle modifier, since it didn't do anything anymore (explode is it's own modifier now)
  • Shuffled baking code around a bit and added proper stubs for editbake things
  • Little better memory allocation for child particle paths
  • Hair baking to geometry space is now on by default

No more baking :)

As a result of the physics sprint the new kid on the block is point caching

  • Initial connection to point cache + a little fix for reading point cache (was using ascii mode before :)
  • Bake mode -> particle mode
  • Getting rid of all baking things was quite a bit of work and still there are a lot of things that don't work properly, so for you bug hunters only report "real bugs" that crash or do something really weird. If things just don't work perfectly or even not at all then I probably already know it.

Dupli Group option for group visualization, duplicates the whole group in place of all particles instead of picking single objects from the group.

Softbody uses point cache now (works with hair softbody too). There are still some problems with not always clearing the cache when settings are changed, but there's always the clear cache button.

For now old softbody bakes are now just discarded, a conversion to point cache can be later implemented if considered necessary.

Some silly typos corrected and a little code cleanup here and there too.

New things

  • Option to draw particles with their material's diffuse color in certain draw types
  • A LOT of new billboard options
  • Particle tabs were getting cluttered so created an own tab-window for particles (need a new icon for fields, softbody & fluid)
  • Reorganized the ui a bit
  • Confirmation for freeing a bake that has been edited in particle mode
  • Changed the way particle mass is handled
  • Particle size updates better on all size effecting changes
  • Deflections
    • speedup by using bounding boxes
    • independence of surface normal direction
    • option for swept sphere intersection (size deflect) i.e. particle size is taken into account on deflections
  • The first texture channel is mapped to the "halotex" texture if wanted (halotex selected), previously in this case halos discarded the rest of the texture channels, but now they're applied normally on top of the first channel with specified blending modes
    • global & object mapping works for halo textures
    • multi- & single-reactions
    • variable reaction strength dependence on distance to particle
    • set default billboard alignment to view
    • split and non-split uv coordinate selection for billboards (now possible for example: alpha is same for every bb, colour/image different)
    • emit time ipo changed to emit frequency (i.e. how many particles per frame)
  • Field fall-off controls (due to space requirements also had to move deflections to a separate tab)
    • modifications to how some fields work (like for example damping=1.0 for harmonic effector is (near) critical damping)
    • even distribution is always on for children between faces
    • boid predators can now kill their prey.. this happens when predator gets closer than it's size to the prey if "die on hit" is selected in the prey system
    • option to only render child particles
    • curve guides now have options from child particle clump & kink to apply along the curve
    • curve guides can apply to child particles
  • all render parameters from modifiers before a particle system are ignored (not a real solution to the "emitter structure changed -> particle emit indexes wrong", but a small improvement)
  • emitter positions are determined exactly at particle birth (much better for fast moving emitters)
  • selectable integration method for newtonian physics (euler, midpoint, RK4)
  • effector field movement & ipo timing is more precisely taken into account
  • particle mode has option to clip editing with the zbuffer (same toggle button as edit mode and same effect: not combing/selecting editing through the emitter)
  • vgroup channels to control tangential initial velocity & direction (for direction 0.5 weight is the "normal" direction)
  • particles update better on vgroup changes
  • autobaking in object & geometry space has option to re-bake on frame changes too (should be quite equal to the old particles' "animated statics")
  • code cleanup

Log Message:

  • unified baking system
    • currently supports particles and soft body (old soft body should convert properly)
    • baking everything at the same time
    • proper autobaking
    • post-bake editing in "bake mode"
    • not allowing changes to object data structure after bake (locking modifiers still todo)
    • t-key transforms time in bake mode
    • bakeable view in outliner
  • particle systems are stored as linked lists so in theory no limit to how many systems can be in an object
  • new particle system type "hair" for easier hair/fur creation

Quite a lot of code and structures have changed, so a big bug hunt is essential. Files from previous builds won't load, but everything else that's not working should be considered as a new bug and sent to me.

  • outliner shows hair soft body below it's particle system
    • unified baking now updates 3d window while baking
    • modifier editing is disabled in the stack if it effects a baked system
    • timing of keyed particles can be changed
  • soft body bakes can be edited in "direct mode" where the nearest key of every element is available for editing. After baking a soft body "direct mode" is accessed for "object soft body" by going into normal edit mode (cage for soft body modifier must be on), or for "hair soft body" by editing the hair system (not the baked hair soft body)
  • add brush uses different random distribution of particles every time the brush is used
  • clearer coloring for bake mode paths
  • billboard split uv indexes start can be offset randomly
  • new "time-index" uv channel for billboards
  • rebake from current frame, allows for example editing "bad bakes" at some point and rebaking with dynamics from that point onwards
  • some cleanup and reorganization of baking code
  • bakeable systems panel

Removed particle and soft body "baking panels"

  • set/edit/free starting point for soft body (this may break backwards compatibility once again with baked systems, should be ok if bake is freed in old version)
  • cage editing is now on by default for the soft body modifier (allows instant editing of object soft body bakes)

explode modifier

  • take particle sizes into account
  • removed "use size" from explode modifier, since it didn't always produce predictable results
  • added a "protect" vgroup
  • better face - particle indexing (no "from face" distribution needed)
  • proper separation of initial rotation, and rotation caused by angular velocity (default initial rotation is now set to "none")
  • guide curves can allow "guide free time" for particles at the end of the particle life times
  • billboards assign default uv channel to only the normal billboard uv channel (time-index and split uvs need to be set separately to be used)
  • added gpl headers to files
  • endian switches to bakeable system loading
  • removed "apply" button from particle modifier, since it didn't do anything anymore (explode is it's own modifier now)
  • shuffled baking code around a bit and added proper stubs for editbake things
  • little better memory allocation for child particle paths
  • hair baking to geometry space is now on by default

Log Message:

Dupli Group option for group visualization, duplicates the whole group in place of all particles instead of picking single objects from the group.

Softbody uses point cache now (works with hair softbody too). There are still some problems with not always clearing the cache when settings are changed, but there's always the clear cache button.

For now old softbody bakes are now just discarded, a conversion to point cache can be later implemented if considered necessary.

Some silly typos corrected and a little code cleanup here and there too.

Log Message:

  • Regarding the Peach "hair effectors" request in the mailing list I coded quick support so that effectors now can effect combed hair too. Nothing special needed to use, just normal field effectors, although there is a new "stiff" parameter in extras panel. (Note, at least for now this only works with path visualization)
  • Keyed particles work again for all visualizations (previously only "path"), they still need some work though to be fully operational.
  • Keyed particles weren't saved or loaded correctly.