Doc talk:2.4/Reference/Hotkeys/All

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Can someone help me to update this list? --Igor 11:14, 8 April 2006 (CEST)

Probably not good to have a list of "all HotKeys" along with several lists of other more "specific" hotkeys. Any change to the Reference/HK/Edit hotkey page, for example, won't automatically propagate to the Reference/HK/All page. So it'd probably be better not to have this page, or move the other topical pages into this one. --GuardianElm 06:46, 23 April 2006 (CEST)

There are practical reasons to have "all HotKeys" in one place. If user search for a HotKey with a specific action then he probably don't know where it is. How can he know if is it under Window, Universal, Object Mode, Edit Mode or even under Other HotKeys? On example: if I searching for extrude HotKey in HK/All, I just press CTRL-FKEY in my browser and write 'extrude' in a search field. In more "specific" HotKey pages I need to repeat this on every page till I found the right HotKey. --Igor 21:58, 27 April 2006 (CEST)