トーク:Resources/Python scripts

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

concept between ### for easy update via comments and fixing of script lists --Patrick7 17:04, 30 August 2006 (CEST)



Type of script / menu placment Name of script and link to script

the name of the script as found in the drop down menu's

Description of script BlenderVersion ScriptVersion -- Comments

(sign --~~~~)

Object Add HotSpots to this .blend

aka: 3dView HotSpots


Adds Hot spots in 3d view and more information about what state the view or selection(s) are currently in. Bv2.42a Sv1.2 -- When unzipped it creates a subdirectory filled with scripts and seems to add the functionality to the entire blend, neat HUD display, nice in that you do not always have to have the specific menu or panel entity in the view to get the information you may want to know. Not sure if I am into using the icons and buttons though since I try to use the hotkeys as much as possible to keep the strain from the mouse arm --Patrick7 10:15, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
Object 3d Cursor Menu

aka: 3dCursorMenus


This SpaceHandler script adds a right-click menu to the 3D Cursor, with some useful operations, including reseting the cursor's position to the center of the space and an option to spin the 3d View for display porposes. Bv2.42a Sv1.0 -- not fully tested, the spin was cool --Patrick7 10:15, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
Mesh Compute Edge Intersection

aka: 4mm_edge_intersection zip

This script will compute the intersection of two intersecting edges or if the selected edges don't intersect will create a new edge that represents the shortest distance between them. Bv2.42a Sv1.2 -- not tested --Patrick7 10:15, 13 September 2006 (CEST)
Misc Layer Manager

aka: 4mm_layer_manager zip

  • Beginnings of layer locking system
  • Moving selected objects to selected layers
  • Autoload most recent layer file if it exists
  • Layer Groups
  • Hide/Reveal Layers (Fig 2.)
  • Set layer visiblility from script GUI. LMB to select (Additive). CTRL+LMB make only target layer visible.
  • Saving and Loading of layer Information
  • Set layer names
Bv4.24a Sv1.2 -- seems to work --Patrick7 10:15, 13 September 2006 (CEST)

adding data


To use the template,

  1. Copy the following text (on the processed wiki page NOT while editing as it has lots of extra code to make the cut and past work)
  2. Edit the wiki page by clicking "edit" at the top of the list on the right side.
  3. Paste the text above the line <!-- ADD NEW DATA ABOVE THIS LINE. -->,
  4. Remove and/or change the emboldened text as necessary; --
  5. "Save Page"
<!-- ROW MARKER -->
 |-bgcolor=#eeeeee  valign=top
| | Type
| | '''[httplink name ]'''
[httplinktoscript py]
| | Description
| | Bv Sv -- Comments --~~~~
