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I would like to redjude annother idea, not to replace your suggestion, but to complement it. We not only have "a new particle system" but also a change over from the old to the new system. In my opinion this requires some thougts. But please let me tell you a short story first. Some years ago I had to teach "office word" to people who had never worked with word, neither with the computer. All of them were older than 50 years. They were very frustrated, because the programm is complex. I used a little trick. First we talked about an old typewriter machine and what functions it has. The next step was to think about the limitations of a typewriter machine, what is hard to do (change size of the types, change color, make corrections etc.) Then we opend "word" and I demonstrated all the functions they allready knew from the typewriter and added new ones. After two hours everybody was able to write and formatting a short letter in word.

I think its worse to take this into account because the majority of blender user have experience with the old system. They dont start at point zero. I think that our first taget group should be the average blender user.

In the german wikibook we normaly start with an overview article. What can I do with this function, short sentences, no tecnical details, a lot of pictures- kind of appetizer. Why do one uses particles. Particles are the solution for what problem...

To be continued... --Toni Grappa 11:59, 3 February 2008 (CET)

I Agree. User Manual is how to use it to get what I want. Hence my suggestion for hair, fire, fur examples. Leave the panel setting explanation to the Reference Manual. --Roger 04:57, 27 February 2008 (CET)