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Editing methods

Shortcut Keys

Word skipping

Unfortunately there is a problem using Ctrl-Left,-Right for word skipping as these are reserved for screen switching. Thus Alt- is used as a replacement. Ctrl- or Alt- may however be used with Backspace and Delete just fine. Quorn

It could be a user-preference for text editor only. mindrones
Ctrl-Left/Right may work with the cursor on the view header? mindrones
Also, you could just override the standard Ctrl-Left/Right! For example you can underline a text in edit-mode with Ctrl-U, while it should be used for saving preferences mindrones
This might be more complicated than it seems. At least it's not obvious at the moment as screen switching is handled somewhere else. Ctrl-U has to be handled by each space so not handling it, or doing something different is possible. Trying to handle Ctrl-Left/Right in the Text space doesn't work on its own. Quorn

Words deletion

Ian, on my system (Mandriva Linux, KDE), Ctrl-Alt-Backspace closes the X sessions! It hasn't been funny, I've completely forgotten that and I've lost the session... :) mindrones 2008-08-08

Yes Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restarts the X server. I'm sorry, I had to laugh. Ctrl-Backspace works this way in many other editors, Alt-Backspace is merely an addition to suppliment the need to use Alt with Left and Right. Ctrl OR Alt. Using both is like crossing streams* Quorn

*in the words of Dr. Spengler: "It would be bad"


At present the undo system stores every cursor movement which not only seems unnecessary but also causes problems when redoing. If you undo some text, scroll around and end up clicking somewhere, you can no longer redo.

I would suggest that the cursor movements are not pushed to the undo stack but instead that other events maintain the position of the cursor for that event. Now when undoing, the event is popped, the cursor moved to the event's position and the event undone.

This will be a later side-project if I get time towards the end of the project but have posted here for suggestions. Quorn

Code Completion

In other editors, if you want to substitute a method (i.e. "math.sin" -> "math.cos"), you point the cursor after "math." and choose "cos" from a suggestion menu. Then you obtain "math.cossin" and you end deleting the "sin" in excess, very annoying. I would automatically delete the actual occurrence, in this case "sin" after have chosen from the suggestions. mindrones

This is how MSVC does it but I find that more annoying, especially when you want to quickly insert some text and it keeps deleting words to the right of the cursor (sometimes without me knowing for a while). I think I'll go with the standard here. Ctrl-Del is always there if you need it. Quorn

What about suggesting the modules found in the path (sys.path) when typing import? That way import m would suggest the built-in functions map, min, max but also i.e. the module math. This might be a good way to discover new modules indeed :) This is also related to the Documentation access part, so maybe you have this already planned.. mindrones

Listing built-ins was not only planned, but also now implemented. Typing import m lists math as one of the modules to import. Importing map, min or max makes little sense as they are built in and thus already accessible. To see this use Ctrl-Space and type m. Quorn

Something to have a think about... Which keys should hide, update or confirm the suggestion box? Obviously Enter should confirm, Esc should hide, etc. Here is a table with some ideas. This is not how it works at the moment however.

Confirmation keys: Enter/Return, Parentheses, Brackets, Braces
Update keys: Delete, Alphanumerics, Backspace (when deleting alphanumerics)
Cancel keys: Esc, Space, Backspace (when deleting non-alphanumerics)


Temporary section: a very quick review

Hello, I've done a review here, I hope it can be useful.
I'll have some time for refine that and be more precise next week.
Feel free to remove this section from here, it is just to let others to know about that link and possibly add comments. I didn't have time to format it well here :)
mindrones 2008-08-10

In response...

Firstly, thank you very much for doing this. It certainly gives me a lot to work on this week (it's our final week) but without it the problems would still be there. I guess I'll label my responses with the revisions to which you refer:


Thanks :)


I will document this as Alt-Left, Alt-Right, Alt-Backspace, Alt-Delete (the Ctrl versions are optional and using both is not advised, esp. on Linux)


Found some problems with relative paths which are present in 2.46...


  • Load a .blend or save one so you have a base for the rel. paths
  • Open a text file with rel. path set
  • Now save the file. Asks to create file??? then fails to do so.
I'm fixing this now and the rel. path in the header [Fixed]


Linked Text objects (Shift+F1, Link) used to allow them to be edited but linked data is not saved so the changes were lost. This prevents such editing.


Inconsistency fixed. Suggesting after comma-space allows easy: 'import aaa, bbb, ccc'


See 15148 [Fixed]


I agree, this is annoying. Next on my list.
> MMB dont work on the menu (it doesnt confirm: it opens the "Text" popup
It works here. Are you saying the RMB menu is appearing with MMB?