利用者:Apinzonf/Gsoc2014/test scalar field
Initial Scalar Field
The most important process in the quadrilateral remesh step is the generation of initial scalar field.
The user defined feature points with minimum and maximum values, then the system compute a scalar field based on harmonic functions (see figure below).
The scalar field computed by the system, can be see as an interpolation between the maximum and minimum points over the surface of the shape.
This scalar field is used to compute gradients fields that determine the place where new edges going to be put.
Blender currently does this in a complicated way.
The user must first paint all vertices with a weight of 0.5, and then choose some vertices and paint with weights 1.0 or 0.0. After the user must add a new modifier "QuadRemesh" set the name of "Vertex Group" and click the button Bind.
The question is:
How do you think it should be the user interaction to define scalar field?
Some examples