利用者:Bassamk/2.8 thoughts

提供: wiki
移動先: 案内検索

Some high - level thoughts from a blender users potentially affecting 2.8

Global Animation Retiming

Blender currently lacks a global time editing window, making retiming significantly difficult:

  • Dope sheet keyframes don't appear with other keyframes
  • Modifier Frame Information does not appear in keyframe editor
  • Physics simulation Frame information does not appear in keyframe editor
  • FCurve modifier frame restrictions do not appear in keyframe editor

In a complex enough file, it is practically impossible to do a quick retime of the scene; too many items are in hidden windows (to show them, you have to select a specific object, modifier, function curve, or particle system, etc. one-by-one) This makes it easy to create complex animated effects, but really hard to edit them.

Possible solutions:

  • Unify some editor modes (e.g. Dope Sheet and GP) and allow restricting which keyframes appear via filters
  • Have an api (python, C) for defining something as keyframable, and have a way of exposing it in animation editors
  • Some kind of global retiming that can modify global time and optionally be applied (something like a speed strip for your scene)
  • "IPO bag" that allows lumping specific time events ( including keyframes ) into an action like datablock, allows 'local' retiming where the meaning of local is defined by the animator's knowledge of which events are related
  • All of the above