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Wikipeople Meeting

This page contains basic information about upcoming IRC meeting at #blenderwiki (in FreeNode). The meeting is targeted to people who work with the wiki. You are free to add your own topics to the list and discuss them. The meeting will be held at Saturday 4th of November at 1600 (NL time). (Same time as normal coder meeting except on Saturday).

Topics to Be Talked about

  1. Wiki structure (Categorization).
    1. Are the users (developers and writers as well) happy about it?
    2. What can be done to make it better?
    3. Do we need a "work queue" to manage tasks?
    4. How do we manage changes at each new release?
  2. Wiki goals.
    1. What is the main purpose of Blenderwiki?
    2. What should it be like?
  3. Should people be encouraged to migrate their tutorials to wiki?
    1. Proposal: http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/User:BeBraw/ConversionPageProposal
  4. Wiki maintenance.
    1. There are unnecessary pages that may need to be removed. http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/Special:Lonelypages
    2. Arrange lists? ... http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/User:BeBraw/ArrangeWikiLists_v._0.1
    3. Restructure? Is \Meta needed?
    4. BSOD headers need to be linked properly just like in the main manual
    5. BSOD header does not render properly on all browsers (for example on old Mozilla ones).
  5. Customised CSS for the wiki? See first item at http://mediawiki.blender.org/index.php/To-do_list
  6. Navigation bar (at left) refactor?
    1. Example of a good navigation bar: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki
  7. FAQ
    1. Can we fill FAQ with existing documentation?
    2. What is the status of BlenderBase?
    3. Does the structure of the current wiki FAQ need improvement?
  8. Do we need to merge blender.org & blenderwiki? (FAQ, release notes, developer notes ...)
  9. Do we need portal(s) for users, devs?
  10. Are Release Notes 2.42 still in progress?
  11. Upgrading server PHP to 5.1+?
  12. ... (Add yours here.)