利用者:DingTo/GSoC 2013/Weekly Reports/Week8

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Week 8

What I did this week

  • I finished the Subsurface Scattering render passes and merged them to trunk. (r58858)
  • The Non-Progressive integrator in trunk is now available on GPU (CUDA) as well. I started with this some weeks ago already, but for trunk it required some refactor of the GPU kernel, to avoid a performance loss. Now we compile 2 kernel entry points for the two integrators. (r59034)
  • I fixed some bugs, which have been reported with Trunk (Crashers with SSS passes, OpenCL broken after Blackbody merge).

Thanks to Brecht for some help and review again this week!

Next week

  • More features, more fun. I have some ideas, but don't want to promise anything just yet. :)

I will communicate with Stuart and Brecht to make sure my goals are fine.

