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I am here to learn Blender's integrated support for Python. I will be actively editing the version 6 documentation for the sole purpose of correcting typos and bad grammar (I have seen a lot of it). Hopefully, I will be able to learn enough Python to create an Add-on. I have some ideas:

1) Vertex Graph - this add-on would be under the panel for 'edit mesh' and would (if it's even possible) use a graph that the user creates to perform many different operations on a string of vertices, such as moving the vertices along a plane using a max distance in accordance with the graph. To determine which vertices correspond to which specific parts of the graph, I would find the longest distance along a plane between 2 vertices for X, Y, or Z. I would then take that distance and use it to find a percentage of where each vertex is. The percentage along that distance (say, 20%) is mapped to the position of the graph (which goes from 0-100%). For example, a vertex exactly between the 2 farthest vertices selected would be mapped to the center of the graph. Some applications include:

ο shifting each vertex by X amount in accordance with the graph,
ο "wrapping" each vertex around a circle aligned to a plane, using its diameter and the angle that the vertex is at (which is dictated by the graph)
ο randomly moving a vertex in along an axis or multiple axises by 0 to X amount (effectively jiggling the coordinates)

2) Mesh Delete... - this is another add-on that would be placed under 'edit mesh', but this one is much more straightforward. Once an object is in edit mode, certain parts of that object could be deleted: these are

ο All disconnected vertices
ο Extra subdivided vertices (any vertex that doesn't contribute to the shape)

Please, anybody who has skill in creating plugins, please create the above 2 plugins! If you do create these plugins, or if you have questions about me, my editing activity, or exactly what I meant here, please feel free to contact me at hjifghl@hotmail.com.

~ Fizzled Out