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The official blender.org embeds a Python interpreter (CPython 3.x). This makes sense from the perspective of a user, who's primary needs are to have an application which can be extended with scripts.

However from the perspective of a Python developer, it can be useful to being Blender into your existing scripts and access its feature set.

The option to build Blender as a Python module is not officially supported, in the sense Blender.org isn't distributing it along with regular releases, Currently, its a build option you can enable, for your own use.


This is a build option to be able to import blender into python and access its modules

Possible uses include:

  • rendering animations.
  • image processing using Blender's compositor.
  • video editing (using Blender's sequencer).
  • importers, exporters (convert 3D file formats).
  • development, accessing bpy from Python IDE's and debugging tools for example.
  • automation.

This is mainly limited to features which can be usable in background mode, so you cant for instance do OpenGL preview renders.



get Python3.x-framework from Python.org and install it.


assuming you have a CMake out-of-source build setup, see: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Doc/Building_Blender/Linux/Ubuntu/CMake

Change these CMake options from the defaults:


Everything should build as normal except in the cmake directory you will have ./bin/bpy.so instead of ./bin/blender



System Wide Install

You may want to copy into the module to the systems Python path, eg:


For a system wide installation:


note, PYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES will be used as the target path, but this is auto detected, nevertheless, you may want to modify.

Once these optiosn are set, run:

 make install

Local Install

Alternately you might want to use your user Python path (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0370/)


For a local install use the following options:


Once these optiosn are set, run:

 make install


copy bin\bpy.pyd C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\
copy bin\*.dll C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\
del C:\Python36\Lib\site-packages\python36.dll
xcopy /E bin\2.79 C:\Python36\


After compiling and "make install", copy needed files to your python framework

cp ./bin/bpy.so /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/
cp -R ./bin/2.79 /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

Note. Unlike on *nix C:\Python36\2.79 is not in the site packages, this is because of a difference in how Windows finds the scripts path and should eventually be fixed.


This allows 'bpy' to be imported from python or other applications/IDE's which embed python, eg:

python -c "import bpy ; bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True)"

This runs in background mode and has similar restrictions to running a script:

blender --background --python test.py


  • The Python version requirements are the same with building a regular blender binary (if Blender us using Python3.6 then there is NO WAY to use another version - 2.7/3.2/3.4 will all fail).
  • On Windows, you probably won't want to use a debug build, since this requires a debug python installation (python36_d.dll rather then python36.dll), so while it can be made to work, its more trouble.