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Mockups Requested for Splash/Welcome Task Selection

Blender is an increasingly capable tool for activies asied from 3d, including video tracking and compositing, and video sequence editing, and still image compositing and adjustment. However, landing on the "Default" 3dview layout is daunting and confusing for users who don't understand and don't need 3d.

The goal is to present UI mockups which can help broaden Blender's appeal by achieving some or all of the following goals:

  • don't bother blender's advanced users with unnecessary steps or controls
  • make Blender's launch appearance more inviting to users who don't understand 3d (yet!)
  • help new and task-specific users to more easily arrive at the proper screen layout for...
    • 3d modeling and/or animation
    • 2d image compositing and adjustment (aka Lightroom, Photoshop CS, Toxik)
    • 2d video compositing and tracking (aka Nuke, Synapse)
    • 2d video sequence editing (Sony Vegas, After Effects, Lightworks, ...)
  • help separate "global" render output controls from 3d controls, which are currently all mixed together in the global properties panel -- and bring clarity to which sub-steps are necessary
    • no need to 3d render when doing a 2d video compositing project without 3d

Brainstorm Ideas to Achieve the Goal...

These are some brainstorm ideas to get you thinking. These are not intended to limit mockups to only these ideas, but just to provide some starting ideas.

  • inviting launch task selection
    • idea 1: add subtle task-selection image buttons to the splash screen
    • idea 2: design a full-screen "welcome/splash" layout and panels which allow the user to
      • see the splash
      • see the task areas available in blender
      • see recently opened projects, with 'screenshot thumbnails' and metadata
      • "getting started" sections with links to docs and tutorials
  • present "global" render settings so non-3d users don't have to fish through the currently 3d centric "global properties" panel
    • idea 1: move global render settings into the "info" panel, and create an "expand/collapse" mode for panels, to hide those settings "above" the main menu bar.
    • idea 2: group all of these global render settings into a single "render" subpanel which is duplicated in several places (global properties panel, compositing properties sidebar, video-sequence-editor sidebar)
  • HARD: remove the hard-coded 3d-render-type-selector, and 3d-stats-text-line from the info-panel menu-line.
    • idea 1: change info-menu line to automatically receive relevant "global" menu-line elements which are added by other panels on the current layout
    • idea 2: provide a mechanism for the user to put custom desired elements into this space
  • HARD: revise the concept behind property-panels to resolve the conflict of the "global properties" panel being 3d centric, while other tasks put similar elements in their view-specific property-sidebars (compositing, video-sequence-editor, motion-tracking)
    • idea 1: remove the global property-panel, unify into view-specific sidebars, and allow the splitting of the view-specific property sidebars to add arbitrary panels (outliner, uv, etc)
    • idea 2: simplify the view-property-sidebar back to "toggles affecting the drawing/display in the view", and extend the global property-panel to better handle different tasks... with some kind of task-separation (task-tabbing, task-mode-select, or perhaps even a global property panel per task area)