利用者:Jjoonathan/NURBS UVEdit
The bug that was causing trims to fail if the trim curve intersected a vertex has been fixed. This allows complex curves to be imported:
The mesh generator has been improved to support actual ngons. Observe the difference:
Trimmed NURBS curves now show up in the UV editor, allowing one to specify knots and edit trim curves.
Sample .blend here: http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/File:Sample_trimmed_nurbs.blend
The trim curve editing functionality is minimal (it propagates selections) but since in-blender trim curve editing is now prioritized it should be fully functional by the soft pencils-down date.
There's also a new color scheme. Instead of purple and yellow which don't have a clear correspondence to U,V directions I now have red and green. Normally red=x, green=y, blue=z, so I extended this mnemonic to the NURBS editor where red=u, green=v. I also flipped the axes in some of the default NURBS object creation operators so that the U axis lined up with the X axis and the V axis lined up with the Y axis (as opposed to the other way around). This should help reduce confusion about what U and V mean.