利用者:Juicyfruit/we should check this

提供: wiki
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Bartek list

  • Constant folding in svm shading trees. ( usecase: insert an divide node as an input. using constants with a combine rgb node)
  • Speed of Barteks wood in svm vs osl. Benchmark and fix ??!!?
  • Clamping where in what nodes and negative colors. ( Why clamp them as they could be useful )
  • Save out camdata in EXR
    • 'cameraFocalLength'
    • 'cameraAperture'
    • 'cameraFov'
    • 'cameraTransform' M44fAttribute ( 4x4 matrix )
  • load this exr camdata in compositor

OpenEXR camdata

  • vray 3.0 outputs:
    • name = cameraAperture, type = float
    • name = cameraFNumber, type = float
    • name = cameraFarClip, type = float
    • name = cameraFarRange, type = float
    • name = cameraFocalLength, type = float
    • name = cameraFov, type = float
    • name = cameraNearClip, type = float
    • name = cameraNearRange, type = float
    • name = cameraProjection, type = int
    • name = cameraTargetDistance, type = float
    • name = cameraTransform, type = m44f