利用者:Julianeisel/tmp 2.8 UI projects status

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Blender 2.8: Current Status of UI Projects

View-Layers & Collections

State: 9 Nov 2017

  • Most functional requirements are implemented.
  • Usability is not that great so design work was picked up again.
  • Many parts of the code base still need to be ported to the new system.

+ Tasks & Patches

Design Tasks


  • Outliner: Problems removing multiple collections in sequence T51461
  • Group visibility dependent on old layer system T51751
  • Blender2.8: In 'outline' it's not possible 'Drop to Clear Parent' T50966
  • Creating a duplicate cone mesh object and then typing in its coordinates after placement crashes blender T52078
  • Blender 2.8 crash when I try to delete this reflection plane T53228


  • Depsgraph ownership: scene layer inconsistencies T52765


State: 9 Nov 2017

  • Basic workspace data-structures and APIs are implemented and integrated with window-manager and editor code.
  • Storing workspaces as part of the user configuration is supported.
  • Viewport render-settings need to be ported to workspaces.
  • Many 'advanced' features are missing:
    • Hiding of panels & buttons per workspace.
    • Customizable tool-shelves per workspace.
    • Precise editing of which workspaces are part of the user configuration.
    • Per workspace add-ons.
    • Per workspace keymap overrides.

+ Tasks & Patches

Design Tasks:

  • Workspaces: Open Design Questions T50521

Patches: None


  • Workspace: Screen Layout to indicate whether a layout is already used T51744
  • Workspace list from user configuration is empty T53008



Asset Management


Application Templates & Blender 101



Keymap Revamp

Grease Pencil


Modern Look