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18 July 2010 - 2.5 Beta Release Log Notes


Task: r30467 - r29630

Done: r30467 - r29630

I cant edit the blender "release logs" webpage.

idearsman42, i hope ive done this ok, im not sure how you collect the data.

I mostly got big and ok features, few crashes that affect users, extra info for new stuff.

I guess this is to generate idears for the release page.. This stuff is like notes.


python api docs == properties are now listed on alphabetical order readonly properties use "data" directive, so that we see them in green in the web docs example (after Campbell will rebuild the docs): http://www.blender.org/documentation/250PythonDoc/bpy.types.RenderLayer.html (note that green attributes still need final CSS-ing, but smerch is a bit busy atm) fixed indentation in http://www.blender.org/documentation/250PythonDoc/bpy.data.html

Logic Editor Python API: link/unlink logics through python. For a script to create bricks, link bricks, unlink bricks and remove them: http://www.pasteall.org/14266

(Koil xx__, bpy python change, good to know for people?)

python change, dont import 'bpy' by default, initially I thaught this would make scripting easier but it ends up being annoying when you want to register a script or if you want to import it. (more trouble then its worth to save 1 line, also not very pythonic).

User Interface

EX - Logic Editor UI: move s/c/a operators and interface buttons.

Shift+O to toggle overlay.

New double click stuff..

Tablet Pen support (pressure) for all systems?

duplicating a scene now duplicates its sequence strips too.

Small update to text boxes UI. It now works in single-column layout.

Internal Architecture

EX - Blendfile thumbnail extractor

EX - File/installation paths changes.

lots of rna renaming

extend command line argument for rendering the current frame blender --background some.blend --render-frame 1 # renders frame 1 blender --background some.blend --render-frame +0 # renders the first frame blender --background some.blend --render-frame -1 # renders the last frame

64 bits for Windows, Linux & OS X


Merge GSOC Sculpt Branch: 28499-30319 https://svn.blender.org/svnroot/bf-blender/branches/soc-2010-jwilkins See log of that branch for details.

Animation System



Game Engine

camera.ortho_scale (use when in ortho mode only)


EX - Sequencer display overlay option.

EX - Animation Keys

EX - BGE doc updates

PNG Compression can now be set, writing uncompressed PNG's is significantly faster for high resolution images - 2k.

Automatic draw method now uses overlap for Intel on all platforms.

Add select/deselect buttons to armature bone group panel.

duplicating a sequence strip now duplicates its fcurves.

color balance can now be animated in the sequencer.

Bugfix: Crash when terminating thumbnail threads.

Bugfix: Crash after inserting keyframe pressing "I" key.

Bugfix: Crash when copying in the sequencer.

Bugfix: Crash when psys_get_dupli_texture() was called on a subsurf mesh with simplify enabled.

Bugfix: Crash if image names are too long in adding image strips to the sequencer.

BugFix: Crash on active camera poll.

BugFix: Crash when scaling parent metaball.

EX - File/installation paths changes. Update after discussions on IRC:

  • operating system specific path retrieval is moved back to GHOST, nothing blender specific here though
  • cleaned up path functions a bit to remove #ifdefs
  • removed Cocoa from blenlib again


  • Matt, Damien, please check and correct the functions for Cocoa and Carbon, could only put back existing code but needs adjustment
  • finish GHOST_getBinaryDir - this should replace the BLI_where_am_i eventually as well as BLI_getInstallationPath on Windows and get_install_dir for the blenderplayer runtime
  • It would probably be nice to define GHOST_getTempDir as well and move those out
  • more cleanups...

NOTE: Things are likely broken for macs (.. more commits later fixing this)

EX - Sequencer display overlay option, this can show a border area from another time to help compare for color grading. - Okey sets the border in the display. - Okey resets the frame offset in the sequencer timeline. - ghost icon in the header can enable/disable. - frame offset can be relative or absolute (lock icon) Not very happy that this commit adds a call to BKE_animsys_evaluate_animdata(scene, ...) in do_build_seq_array_recursively() without this the offset frames dont have fcurves applied. Though we will need something like this for prefetch frames to work too.

EX - Logic Editor UI: move s/c/a operators and interface buttons.

Three new operators:




direction is a parameter (UP,DOWN)

EX - Blendfile thumbnail extractor:

A /trunk/blender/release/freedesktop/blender-thumbnailer.py

Blendfile thumbnail extractor, so icons can be automatically extracted from blend files as PNG's and displayed in a file browser.

Runs with python 2.6 and 3.1 with no special deps.

To have nautilus display thumbnails automatically.

gconftool --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-blender/enable true
gconftool --type string --set /desktop/gnome/thumbnailers/application@x-blender/command "blender-thumbnailer.py %i %o"

EX - Animation Keys:

ALT+LEFTARROW: play backward (hit again for double speed)

ALT+RIGHTARROW: play fordward (hit again for double speed)

ALT+DOWNARROW: start/stop animation

EX - BGE doc updates:

Fixed some typos and added docs for the following functions:





